Aumaujaya Sri Parabrahma Yagnam - Premojassomaujaya. 22-6-2-2024

The Essence of Homam

Only those who think and work for others selflessly, not just for their own survival, have a good heart. Good words come from those who have a good heart. Sages have often said, Paropakaraartham Midam Shareeram. They did not only speak these words but also practiced them. Perhaps this is why sages had refined speech. They did much for others without expecting anything in return.

The Purpose of Homam

What the sages spoke would surely happen. They performed various Homas for different purposes. It is important to note that all the wishes of the sages were not directly, but intrinsically meant for the people—that is, for the welfare of the world!

Recently, during a Homa near Srisailam, a large rock fell from the sky into the river, causing the water to rise up to the height of a palm tree.

The Role of Samidhas in HomamAumaujaya Guru Pournami Yagnam

There are many types of Samidhas used in Homam, each related to a different planet. This means creation remains balanced only if all the planets are in a balanced state. This balance affects the absence of diseases, regular rains, and other factors. When the energy of any one planet is low on Earth, it causes imbalances. That is why Homam is performed with herbs, grains, and other items related to the respective planets. This is the basic purpose of performing homam.

Astrological Insights for Effective Homam

Astrologers have provided suggestions so that the results of these Homas can be personally beneficial. If the influence of any of the planets in the Navagrahas is weak for a person, that person may experience opposite results in related areas. Performing a homam at home can yield good results in such cases.

For example, if the influence of the Ravi (Sun) planet is significantly reduced and other planets also become inauspicious, it may lead to death or serious loss in terms of longevity. To avoid this, it is suggested to perform Upashanti related to Surya. Often, Homas are also prescribed for accident prevention.

2023 Dhyana chaitanya Vihara Yatra - yagnam, mumbaiVarious herbs are used in these Homas. Sami Vriksha Samidha is used for Saturn compatibility, Garika for Rahu, and Arka Samidha for Surya Anugraha. Darbha is used for the propitiation of the planet Ketu. According to Ayurveda, Arka has the power to cure leprosy and eliminate various doshas that arise in the body. Moduga is used for the peace of the Moon and, from a medical point of view, has the power to revive the digestive system and purify the blood. Ravi tree is used for the pacification of Jupiter and is said to cure various Kapha doshas.

From this perspective, it is understood that Homa directly affects our health and indirectly influences the Navagrahas. However, only those who are thoroughly aware of the order of Homa can perform it correctly and reap its benefits.

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