Aumaujaya - Daily Prayers

Procedure of Satya Sthuti Stapana
- Chant Aumaujaya.....Aumaujaya...Aumaujaya... 11 times while rubbing both hands tightly together.
- Then clap your hands three times while chanting Aumaujaya three times.
- Afterward, chant Aumaujaya three times while wiping the face with your hands.
- Place both hands on both knees and exhale three times while silently chanting Aumaujaya three times in your mind.
- (Note: If the above meditation is done four times, it is called a round. You can do as many rounds as you like.)

Procedure of premojassomaujaya:
- First, assume Guru Sparsha Mudra and slowly touch the little fingers, ring fingers, and middle fingers of both hands together.
- Then clap your hands once while reciting aumaujaya.
- Afterward,remember aumaujaya once and gently wipe the front part of your face with both hands, saying aumaujaya. Also, wipe from the top of your head, saying aumaujaya.
- Keep both hands on both knees and remember aumaujaya once in your mind, exhaling once.
- (Note: If the above meditation is done four times, it is called a round. You can do any number of rounds like that.)

Premananda Yogam
Procedure of premanandyoga Vidanam
Start by touching the thumbs to the little fingers, ring fingers, middle fingers, and index fingers respectively. As you touch each finger, chant “O.. Mau.. Ja.. Yah..”
Keep the thumbs touching the lower part of the little fingers, ring fingers, middle fingers, and index fingers (Kali position). While in this position, remember to say “O.. Mau.. Ja.. Yah..”
Touch the upper parts of the index fingers, middle fingers, ring fingers, and little fingers with the thumbs. Chant “O.. Mau.. Jah.. Yah..” as you do this.
Sequentially touch the thumbs to the little fingers, ring fingers, middle fingers, and index fingers while holding them like a fist. Release the fingers while saying “O.. Mau.. Jah.. Yah..” (Note: If you repeat this meditation six times, it forms a round. You can perform any number of rounds.)

Method os Salutating the Guru
Procedure of saluting the Guru:
To salute the Guru, follow these steps:
- Wear the Gurusparsha mudra.
- Close both eyes and focus on your own smile with a smiling face.
- After some time, shift your focus to recognizing the smile of Omaujaya.
(Note: If you repeat the above meditation four times, it constitutes a round. You can perform any number of rounds.)

Poornatma Stapana
Procedure of poornatma stapana:
- First, keep the spine straight.
- Make a salutation by placing the index finger near the Bhrikuti (the space between the eyebrows).
- Kiss once above both thumb nails, while thinking “aumaujayah” in your mind.
- Put the left hand on the right shoulder and the right hand on the left shoulder. Tap both shoulders simultaneously, saying “aumaujayah.
- Then, make the Namaskar mudra with your hands at the heart level and say “aumaujayah” with a smile while observing the breath.
- ((Note: If you do the above meditation 7 times, it is called 1 round. You can do any number of rounds like that.)