Many people do not know how to pray. Real prayer means awakening your energy, bringing it into manifestation, and making use of it yourself. Praying to God is a belief but the miracle behind that belief is that when you pray your energy is awakened. Power awakens and becomes yours, owns it and puts it to good use, puts it to good use, and becomes your wealth. Prayer is the process of channeling your energy into wealth.
How you pray should awaken your energy. No energy can come in from the outside, only energy from within has come to give out. As the seed germinates, it gives a great tree, infinite fruits, infinite flowers, infinite shade, and wood. In the same way, you awaken your energy through prayer. How to awaken the seed by placing it in the soil, to awaken the seed, add a little soil to it, Add a little sunlight, add a little fertilizer. To awaken your energy one should pray here, do a little meditation, and have a little devotion. These three are crucial. Prayer, devotion, and meditation are key.
Without prayer you can’t control money, without devotion you can’t control relationships. Without meditation, there is no mastery over science. If you don’t get hold of these three, you won’t get Eruka. You have no control over your soul. Because you do not have control over your soul, you cannot see the truths that should be seen with this divine eye. Then the whole life ends in illusion, delusion, disease, habits, and addictions. So prayer gives clear power over money.
You should pray when you get up in the morning. Awaken the power within you. Prayer awakens power, devotion awakens potential, meditation awakens your talents, and passion awakens the art within you. Awakens your potential. These four are very important. Therefore the one who sits on the side of God, the one who sits on the side of man, the one who sits on the side of work, and the result of these three, is blessed.