The Power of Goodness

If we do evil, evil will increase, if we do good, good will increase. I just told you that if you focus on something, that power will increase in you. Focusing on evil increases the power of evil. If you focus on the good, the good will grow.

Choose Your Vision

Evil vision will ultimately land you in hell. A good vision will take you to heaven. In good, you will get better, your family will get better, your siblings will get better. Friends will be better, your town will be better, your mandal, district, state, country, the whole nature, world, mankind, and posterity will also be better because of your goodness.

Be a Light in the World

When you live well, you become the light of the world. You will be the song of consciousness, you will be the ray of knowledge, you will be the rain of love, you will be a glorious sunrise for the whole world.

The Blessings of Goodness

If thorns pierce your leg while walking on a good path, you will not believe that the blessings of those who come behind will bring the divine chariot and sit in it and attain the merit of taking it to the heavenly world. This is what the Puranas say, the Vedas proclaim. Thorns may pierce you, and you will feel pain at once, ten minutes of pain, but the result will be ten generations.

The Endurance of the Earth

The pain is only ten minutes but ten generations will give its result, bless you, and remember you. You will be blessed, you will be praised. All the effort, money, time, age, and life they spend for you will fill heaven in your life, all of them will fill your life with energy, and they will fill you with awareness. They give you a place in God’s heart.

The Power of Working for Others

If you work hard for others, you will have a place in God’s heart. If you work hard for yourself, work hard for everyone else, work hard for this world, work hard for future generations, work hard for your fellow man, surely God will keep a very safe place for you in hell. Because you don’t know the value of difficulty.

Lessons from Nature

The earth continues to teach that torturing the other person and making the other person suffer is not the right path. The land endures when plowed. Remember that because you have a hungering love that labors with patience and endures with patience. If you cut down a tree, the mother of the forest will endure.

The Forgiving Mother Earth

Because that mother loves that your needs are met. That mother is forgiving and patient. Panchalohas in the earth also endure. Even if you tear the earth and take out all the metals that you need, the Mother Earth will endure. Because she will be patient and forgiving and will love you again to see if your desires will be fulfilled, and she will be happy. Not only that, everything on this earth will bear you.

The Forgiving Mother Earth

Whatever you take from nature, it will forgive you with love and patience, if you get better, if you feel comfortable, if you are happy, if you prosper, if you succeed, if you show some gratitude for coming to this earth when you leave, all will help you.

Think Beyond Your Generation

You don’t even think for ten minutes a day for this mother nature who provides such wonderful services. Don’t think about rain, don’t think about earth, don’t think about forest, don’t think about minerals, don’t think about the human race, don’t think about fellow man. You should think about this society and the future.

The Impact of Generations

If your only son is good, the next ten generations should be good. If the next ten generations are good, your son will be good today. Do good today for the next ten generations. Surely your son will be well today, my son will be well, my son will be well. Your generation will also be among these ten generations, so everyone will live comfortably. If the focus is on ten generations ahead, this generation will be successful and move ahead. I say these blessings you give, these blessings you take.

Our Responsibility to Future Generations: Embracing Goodness

Your focus is only on this generation. We did not come to live for this generation, for this day, for this moment. We are not animals. Even animals think of ten periods. A single turtle can cross seven seas for its offspring. A turtle travels 7 oceans in its lifetime just to produce offspring.

Wise Parenting in Nature: Nurturing Goodness

Good offspring travel several thousand kilometers to where they are produced. Some birds come to Kolleru Lake from a few thousand kilometers from another country and give birth there, collect food until the offspring grow wings, and after they grow wings fly with them and go back to their country.

Our Responsibility as Humans

If a bird thinks so much about its offspring, then why don’t you think with such wisdom and consciousness, Telangana children, Telugu children, children of light, children of Bharata Matu, children of God, why don’t they think with this wisdom. Why are you thinking about this one day, do you think it is enough to live for one month, one year, do you think it is enough to let 60 years go like that? The spiritual world, Omujayah world, Gurudharma says that it should not be allowed to go like that.

The Power of One Individual

So great is your power, so great are your wings that you have the power to protect all mankind on this earth under your wings. A single human being has the power to save a population of 750 crores. But today 750 crore people.

The Consequences of a Corrupt Society

Day by day corruption increases, falsehood increases, iniquity increases, dishonest philosophy increases everywhere, evil philosophy increases, supporters of evil increase. Bribery is encouraged, bribe givers are on the rise, and bribe takers are on the rise. Everywhere you look, man is destroyed by man, man is tortured by

man, man is harmed by man, and man is made difficult by man. I say that there is no other situation in this world that is more unfortunate than that of one man causing another man to suffer.

Choose Goodness and Avoid Suffering

It doesn’t matter if you are not the reason for someone’s happiness, but don’t be the reason for someone’s sorrow. Even if we have the knowledge and consciousness to live, if we have such mental strength, if we have such mental strength, if we have such strength of heart and soul, we are the cause of another person’s sorrow.

The Need for a Change

Today, we who have to live with self-respect, we who have to live with self-esteem, are living very hopelessly with conflict, stress, anxiety, fear, pain, loneliness, every moment. We feel helpless in every situation. Walls are placed around us that we cannot move forward if we do not make mistakes. Such weapons are placed around us, such hellish paths are laid.

Embrace Goodness and Positive Change

If we don’t drive away all the evildoers of the past history that you can’t move forward if you make a mistake, you can move forward only if you make a mistake, future generations will spit on you without praising you. Make a resolution to let go of the evil in you. To carry the whole weight of your life, to guide you, to show you the right  path, to win you over, to give you prosperity, to fill your life with heaven, this ‘Aumaujaya’ bracelet comes before you.

Commit to the Path of Goodness

You just take one resolution. ‘In any situation I will not allow evil to remain in the house, I will not allow evil to be produced, I will not allow it to survive even if it is produced, I will end it. Let there be no evil between me and my child, let there be no evil between me and my husband, let there be no evil between me and my mother, let there be no evil between me and my relatives, let there be no evil between my brothers and sisters, between my sisters, and between my friends’.

Promote Goodness Among Humans

There should be no evil between man and man. There should be good between man and man. Make up your mind to be good enough to experience all the heavens on earth, to come back to earth again and again, to be born again to God. Surely this ‘Aumaujaya’ will come before you to win it.”

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