Leave the low and middle state and embrace the transcendent. 

Thou shalt not accept that which is inferior to thee. Thou shalt not accept that which is within thy means. You should accept only that which is beyond you. When you embrace that which is beyond you, then the power, the ability, the knowledge, the consciousness, the existence of your life within you blossoms. It will elevate you. When you accept that which is inferior to you, you have to live under the arishadvargas. When you live as a medium, you have to submit to the trigunas. When you embrace that which is beyond you, humanity blossoms in you, you attain divinity, attain divinity, and you attain the realization of the ultimate Parabrahman.

God’s direct love

Human birth is the birth of earning energy but you don’t know how to earn energy. God has given us a machine called body. There is no yantra beyond the body, no mantra beyond the mind, no tantra beyond the heart, no meditation beyond the soul, no God beyond life. Our life belongs to God. God is teaching every moment through the situation. Education through problem. God is awakening us through every experience. His teaching is correct. There are many changes and additions in the way we receive. We are unable to properly receive the divine love. We cannot get His mercy. We cannot experience His glory. Even with such a sublime human birth, today we have to live like beggars. We have to come out of this misery. We have to come out of this misery. We should be perfectly saved from such an unfortunate situation. That is why there is a ship called Guru.

Philosophy of Karma

Philosophy of KarmaYour senses are inferior to you. Central to you are the senses. Equal to you are your internals. Beyond you is your soul. Above that. God

Never be satisfied with yourself. Do not be satisfied even with this world. If you are satisfied with yourself, you will live a virtuous life without doing any karma. No good deeds are done. No good deeds are done. You stop there because you think you are perfect.

If you go on doing all the karmas, you will never get better. Do not come in any way. One who performs all karmas becomes one without any path. A person who does only one karma will not reach any goal. That is why we are experimenting in all kinds of ways. We are doing all kinds of karmas called satkarma, bad karma, nishkama karma, suddhachaitanya karma. However, we are unable to reach the Supreme.

The sweetness of devotion

We do not know how to reach the Supreme through the karmic path. One does not know how to reach the Supreme through action. One does not know how to reach the Supreme through the karta path. One does not know how to approach the Supreme through the path of witness. One does not know how to reach the Supreme through the red path.

Expression means Karma, Karma declares everything, Karta shows, Kriya listens. Sakshi is darshan, eruka is realisation. How to do Karma is what Guru gives you. Because it declares you. Bhakti is said to be the power by which we become timeless. Bhakti gives you timeless power. You will have the power of consciousness to live without subjecting yourself to time, death, karma, and your own ignorance. This is the sweetness of devotion!

Don’t obey karma

The eight gurus teach only one philosophy of life! What Sadguru teaches is that karma is smaller than you. If you live according to karma, you will suffer. If you are living according to habit, it means that you are living according to karma! A habituated person becomes addicted. He who is addicted loses his knowledge. He who loses knowledge loses consciousness. He who loses consciousness loses love. He who loses love becomes an orphan. The orphan is constantly destroying himself and traveling towards the destruction of the world. See where a man’s little mistake can lead.

Understand the body – feel the Supreme.

Understand the body – feel the SupremeThe body declares your presence, your existence, your consciousness, your power, your potential, your self. Not only your qualities, your characteristics, your personality, but all the indescribable wealth hidden inwardly and implicitly, the body declares to be present. If we try to understand it, we can feel the Supreme, and shine as the Supreme. No one can teach the body how to feel. You feel the way you want. Don’t do that.

Sadhguru is responsible for you

Sadguru will free you from karma. That is his first responsibility. Sadguru will free you from all your karmas and make you enter the life of Karta. He liberates one from Karta and enters into the life of Kriya. He frees him from action and brings him into the life of a witness. He frees him from the witness and brings him into the red life. He frees you even from anger and illuminates you as the real God. That is Sadguru’s first responsibility, but it needs your help.

You become what you receive

You become what you receive. It’s a theory that makes a statement. If you accept the good, you will become a good person. If you accept evil, you become evil. If you accept success, you will get success. Accept defeat and defeat. What you receive is what you become.

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