వేచి ఉండండి
మా న్యూస్ లెటర్ కు సభ్యత్వాన్ని పొందండి మరియు మా తాజా వార్తలు మరియు కథనాలను ఎప్పటికీ కోల్పోకండి.
Author: ఓమౌజయ
The movements which you spend in front of the Sadhguru are real and the remaining time is just futile. If you see correctly, you will understand the time you spend in this world is just for the desires only. Do …
The man is spending most of his youth being imprudent, which is the most unfortunate thing. If it is for the country, or for nature or the world, or for the human welfare, if it is spent for all these, …
Destroy your weaknesses then and there. Try to enhance your strengths always then and there. If anyone tries to install impurity or pollution in you, then don’t allow them. Don’t welcome poisonous thoughts, beliefs, opinions, business angles, political activities, and
On the way to achieving the goal of knowing about yourself and traveling beyond, you should travel beyond the two i.e spiritual and physical life.
Do not involve completely either in spirituality or physical life. Choose the balanced path, balanced …
I may leave anything but not you. I may forget anything but not you. I will not leave you, even if I leave myself. I will not leave you, even if you leave me.
Radha used to say to Krishan …
Every movement in our life is very precious. In two ways it can be used. One is for consciousness and the second one is to remove the darkness from you. You have to make one step to remove darkness from …
If you drill a well, water will come out. Similarly, if we dig into the emptiness the Sadguru will come into our life. If you just go on seeing the emptiness, you will get the Dharshan of Sadguru. Like how …
Just do service and see, the goodness will strengthen within you. Just donate for good cause and see, that humanity will strengthen within you. Just attend the Sadguru’s Divine Satsang and see, the divinity will increase within you. Just do …
Guru Pournami is the most auspicious day when the Guru will hold your hand and will take the responsibility to destinate you to the eternal destination. He does not have a chance to escape by putting your responsibility on your …
Mudra Meditation for Blood Pressure and Diabetes
Jaimahavibhoshri created a new Mudra technique for controlling Blood Pressure and Diabetes. This is a unique Mudra that controls Blood Pressure and Diabetes in a few minutes. Thousands of people got healed by …