వేచి ఉండండి
మా న్యూస్ లెటర్ కు సభ్యత్వాన్ని పొందండి మరియు మా తాజా వార్తలు మరియు కథనాలను ఎప్పటికీ కోల్పోకండి.
Author: ఓమౌజయ
Under the guru’s feet are the mandalas of fire that consume this world of birth and death, whatever is in it, in the fingerprint of the righteous guru.
A Jyoti is called a Jyoti, if it is lit, the …
Slokam :- Nityam Shuddham Nirabhava Nirakara Niranjanam
Nithyabodham Chidanandam Guru Brahma Namamyaham
This hymn tells how to approach the Guru.
Meaning:- This body, this mind, this heart, this soul, this life, time, age, life span, this world is all mine, …
Good feet are the ones that prevent sin. Various types of sinful touch, sinful vision, sinful hearing, sinful speech, and sinful deeds. Sadguru padukas protect from the influence of sinful movements, the environment of sin, and the conduct of the …
Guru Gita Chapter 2 Verse 126
Gururupa is the path of our purification
Anityam Khandayet Sarvam Yatkyanchitya Atmagocharam
The subtle world is experienced when a disciple who is purified following the path instructed by the Guru faithfully travels his path, …
What is Guru Bhakti?
Swayambhu: Adi Parabrahma Jaimahavibhosri: Varu Bhakti Tattva was explained in the Thursday Satsang held at Aumaujayaa: Adisahasra: Parisamsthan, Shantivilla Colony, Vampuguda on 2nd October. Some important aspects of that Satsang.
Guru bhakti means that if you …
What would life be without Guru’s advice? What will be the result of the teacher’s instruction? Ignorance can be removed only by meditating on the Guru. Only those who have meditated on the Guru will light the flame of …
Advaita Bhavayennityam Sarvavasthasu Sarvada.
Kadachidapi no Kuryadadaitvam Gurusannidhau ॥
-Sloka 134, Chapter 2, Sriguru Gita
Through this Satsang, we will know how we can become one with the Guru, see the philosophy of the Guru, attain Gurusakshakar, attain the …
When you are in communion with the Guru, you shine as Sakshat Parabrahma.
1) Aumaujyaa: Explain about Mangalasasana
Brings a fine balance between nature, man, the world, God, and devotees.
By placing Mangal Shasana in the house you will …
In this Guru Bodha, Paramashiv gives his wife Parvati a sense of the transcendental Guru Tattva, the world of knowledge, the world of love, what we should do and what we should not do, and how to acquire the …
Kuryadushpanam Parispanam at Gurorashram.
Dikshavyakhaprabhutvadi gururajnam na karayet ॥
Guru Gita Chapter 2, Shloka 139
Meaning “Knowingly or unknowingly, outside or inside the Ashram, under any circumstances, activities contrary to Guru Shashana, i.e. drinking stones, smoking, smoking cigarettes and …