వేచి ఉండండి
మా న్యూస్ లెటర్ కు సభ్యత్వాన్ని పొందండి మరియు మా తాజా వార్తలు మరియు కథనాలను ఎప్పటికీ కోల్పోకండి.
Browsing: ఉపన్యాసాలు
స్వార్థం మరియు అహంభావాన్ని తొలగించడం
Remove selfishness and egotism. “Divide and Rule” is the quotation of egotism. The quotation of selfishness is not to unite the divided one again. Egotism says to divide and rule. Selfishness says that if you distribute …
How to identify the true master, is the million-dollar question of every spiritual aspirant. Aadhi Parabrahama Sadhguru Jaimahavbhoshri is beautifully explained in one of the Satsang as follows. When you settle the Sadhguru, his idol, and his name in your
మీ కోరికలన్నింటినీ తీర్చే కోరికను కోరుకోండి
The graveyard is nothing but a desire. If you say I have a handful of desires, and if you say that you have plenty of wishes, that means you are a
God is always with you. God always guides you. To listen to God you must be with your body, you must have patience in your heart, and you must have acceptance in your mind. Whatever you accept it becomes positive. …
భారతీయుల రక్తంలో బలహీనత లేదు
The nature of the Indians is not to surrender for trivial problems. Indians have a nature to see any trouble, loss, and all the small problems as very small. …
You will complete half of your life by the time when you get an understanding of the love and compassion of God. God has given us the power to live in this world, the power to live in the situations …
The movements which you spend in front of the Sadhguru are real and the remaining time is just futile. If you see correctly, you will understand the time you spend in this world is just for the desires only. Do …
The man is spending most of his youth being imprudent, which is the most unfortunate thing. If it is for the country, or for nature or the world, or for the human welfare, if it is spent for all these, …
Destroy your weaknesses then and there. Try to enhance your strengths always then and there. If anyone tries to install impurity or pollution in you, then don’t allow them. Don’t welcome poisonous thoughts, beliefs, opinions, business angles, political activities, and
On the way to achieving the goal of knowing about yourself and traveling beyond, you should travel beyond the two i.e spiritual and physical life.
Do not involve completely either in spirituality or physical life. Choose the balanced path, balanced …