{xtypo_rounded3}About Sadhguru & Sadhgurutatwam (Sadhguruhood){/xtypo_rounded3}


  • Sadhguru means the presence of pure and enlightened consciousness.
  • Sadhguru is the mother of knowledge.
  • He is the Sadhguru whose love makes us shine as divine beings.
  • The one who experiences the entire universe in a moment is called Sadhguru.
  • The energy that makes the seed of the soul explode into the peak of perfection and incarnate it as Paramatma (the Almighty) is called Sadhguru.
  • He is swayambhu swayam Prakash sadhguru (the born enlightened & self-illuminated Master) who listens to your prayer when you pray to the emptiness seeing towards the sky.
  • The fragrance which is the zenith of universal perfection is called Sadhguru tatwam (Sadhguruhood).
  • That which was living before the beginning of the universe and will be living even after the end of the universe is called Sadhguru Tatwam.
  • Sadhguru is the soul of an honest person. An honest person is the body of Sadhguru.
  • The person in whose life service, charity, meditation, Satsang (being in the presence of truth) satprachar (spreading truth), humanity, discipline, and honesty have become part and parcel, gets enlightenment by earning eligibility for the grace of Sadhguru.
  • In the whole existence, only Sadhguru has the capacity of enlightening the meanest and the most sinful person by his grace.
  • All the Arts and Sciences that existed on this earth are created only to make us understand Sadhguru.
  • Atmagnanam (the knowledge of the soul) cannot be obtained even an atom without the grace of Sadhguru.
  • The whole universe surrenders to him who surrenders to Sadhguru.
  • The whole universe takes refuge in him who takes refuge in Sadhguru.
  • Swayambhu Sadhguru, who knows that there is nothing beyond him and he himself is beyond all, is called Jaimahavibhoshri.
  • Take refuge in swayambhu adi parabrahma sadhguru Jaimahavibhoshri, who makes you Sadhguru unto yourself; and become a perfect human being by reaching the peak of human birth.
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