Twameva Matacha Pita Twameva
Twameva bandhucha sakha Twameva
Twameva Vidya Drvinam Twameva
Tvameva sarvam mamadeva deva sees all bonds within Sriguru.
Hey Gurudev! You are my mother… Hey Gurudev! You are my father… Hey Gurudev! You are my sibling… Hey Gurudev! You are my relative…

Hey Gurudev! You are my friend…Hey Gurudev! You are my education… Hey Gurudev! You are my wealth… Hey Gurudev! You are my God… Hey Gurudev! You are my everything… We form a bond with the Guru to get salvation from all bonds.
The Guru comes into the role of the bond with which you are most mad or become mad, and He satisfies that bond, brings you out of that bond, and leads you into Moksha. If you are crazy about Amma, the Guru will take on the role of Amma and give you Amma’s love and bring you out of it. That’s why Guru is always called Sarva Patrathari and Sarva Sutradhari. He is the principal, he is the character, he is the play, he is the story, he is the story, he is the producer, he is the director, and he is the protagonist. He is the life, fruit, and experience of all characters. Manifest, immanent, everything is called Him. That is why the elders say that God Himself is speaking through me, He is speaking, He is taking the result, and He is trying it. Because He is the witness of all bonds and frees you from many types of slavery and weaknesses that you have. For that, complete faith is essential while believing in the Guru. Once you have complete faith, if you are a believer or a believer then all you need to do is the Guru. It is His role to bless you, His role to perfect you. Whatever bond binds you in your life, He will come to you in that bond and bring salvation to you from the bond that binds you. He plays that role and brings salvation to you. That is why Twameva Matacha Pita Twameva
Twameva bandhucha sakha Twameva..Twameva Vidya Dravinam Twameva

Twameva said that Mamadeva is God. So you should look at the Guru like that. That is why Bandham is the counterpart of all Bandhas of Guru. He is the Guru who makes all bonds one form. If you want to attain all salvation, it is Bhakti. The bond we have with that Guru is salvation. If you have a bond with your mother it is karma, if you have a bond with your father it is karma, if you have a bond with siblings it is karma, if you have a bond with your wife and children then it is karma, if you have a bond with your relatives it is karma, if you have a bond with friends it is karma, if you have a bond with the world, then karma arises from whatever you have a bond within this universe. The cycle of birth and death arises. But when you bond with Guru, from there you get salvation. See how great it is. Whatever kind of relationship you form with the Guru leads to salvation. So remember that whatever bond you have from the Guru, whatever bond you have with the Guru, it will bestow you with Moksha. That is the relationship with the Guru.



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