Many meditation techniques are taught in the world today. In that they do not get either self-transcendent Tatta, consciousness, self-realization, outburst of energy, or visions of Parabrahma.

Atma Chaitanya Mudra Dhanyamu is Prakriti Dharma, creation state is Laikala Dharma, and all human body or Atma Nirvanavidhi Dharma is the darshan. It is beyond all Munus, Rishis, Brahmarshus, Rajarshus, Devas, Ascetics, Yogis, Siddhas, Swayambhus, Parabrahmas, all man-made messengers, Avadhutas, Avatars, Gurus and Vidyas. May this meditation guide you according to Parabrahma Dharma Shastra, exploding your soul, filling your mind with consciousness, filling your body with divinity, filling your senses with humanity, filling your innermost being with divinity, filling your heart with wisdom, making every living being very easily, naturally, and supremely aware of the self. This atmachaitanyamudra meditation is to light up the pinnacle Adiparabrahma Moolavirat Chaitanya Nirvikalpa Darshan Tattva Mahima Chitkala Jyotija, which brings the common man into perfection as Sarvesvara Man by making himself bright, conscious, God, Guru, God.

All the physical, mental, spiritual, family, social, business, political, scientific, mundane, natural, world, world and cosmic problems that humanity is facing today can be solved radically by “Mudra Shastra”.

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