5th October Aumaujayaa: Adisahasra: Some highlights of the Aumaujayaa: Vishwamahila Seva Samiti Satsang held at Parisanstan, Shantivilla Colony, Vampuguda

A woman should make 5 resolutions on waking up in the morning
1) Let no desire afflict me
2) Don’t let anyone’s desires hurt me
3) Every desire should give me pleasure
4) Every wish should bring me good luck and success, fame and honor.
5) Every desire should be my strength and victory.

Desire has 5 faces viz
1) Desire to hurt
2) Sad desire
3) Desire to worry
4) Desire to get sick
5) The milk of defeat, the desire to destroy
Don’t let these 5 desires enter you

The following rules should be followed while making a wish
1) A desire should give you strength. Don’t make yourself weak.
2) Desire should strengthen you. Do not strengthen the desire.
3) Don’t seek the desire to hurt yourself, the desire to hurt others.
4) Don’t seek a desire that scares you, a desire that scares others.
5) Don’t wish to make yourself sick, and don’t wish to make others sick.
6) Do not seek a desire that destroys you, a desire that causes the destruction of a person.
7) After the desire is fulfilled, you should have the fruit of virtue in your hand. Do not have the fruit of sin. Freedom, freedom, peace, and contentment. Happiness should remain.
8) Your wish should leave you with a sweet memory.

A woman should have a heart like Bhudevi. The mind should be like the ocean.

A woman never needs to express her pain. Suffering is automatic. Whether you tell anyone or not, if you are honest, the person who caused the pain, the person who caused the pain, and the causes of the pain will be wiped out.

The mind thinks in 4 ways
1) Corrupt way
2) The evil way
3) The way of sin
4) The mean way

Don’t let the mind go in these 4 ways.

Let the mind think like this. Your mind is you
1) To develop
2) Special progress should be made.
3) Make it successful.
4) Place yourself in a special position and make yourself a special target.

There are two people in every person
1) Bad people
2) Good people

Those whom you support will flourish. Whatever you grow, you will get the same result.
If you cultivate good, you will get good results, if you cultivate evil, you will get bad results.

Seek the Supreme as follows
May you be mine, Lord!
Let me be yours!
May You free me from the position of the receiver and grant me the position of giver forever.

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