If you are interested, the world will understand you.
If you have hope, man will understand you.
If you have the quality to work, you will understand time.
If you have energy, you will understand the idea.
If you have talent, you will understand the mentality.
If you have a personality you will understand Maya.
If you have sacrificed yourself, you will understand yourself.
If you have devotion, God will understand you.
If you understand God, you will own life.
If you work hard, you will own the strength of the earth.
The power of water is possessed by thought.
Agni’s power is owned by the decision.
With responsibility comes air power.
Sky strength is acquired by sacrifice.
At present, work with foresight.
One should observe and think about the past.
Take action first and decide about the future.
Responsibility should be taken according to merit. Competence should be increased according to responsibility.
Sacrifice should be done without loss of sanctity.
Knowledge without practice is useless.
Consciousness without feeling is futile.
Love without life is futile.
A birth without life is a waste.
A soul without sacrifice is wasted.
To conquer the body one must work hard.
There is a goal if you work hard.
If there is no effort there is desire.
He who understands the mind is a man.
He who understands beyond the mind is a human being.
Those who contribute and lose weight are respected.
Those who guide and reduce responsibility are venerable.
Be careful and trust when approaching a man.
When you go out into the world, there should be a result of work and work.
One should be silent and peaceful when one goes into nature.
Be content with solitude when you are with yourself.
Silence brings peace.
A heart can be found in solitude.
If you are satisfied, you will find the soul.
If you want to know who you are, if you want to find yourself, if you want to remember yourself, you must be alone.
If you wait patiently until your time comes, you will win. Otherwise, if you want things to happen when you want them, you will lose.
Labor gives salvation from the body.
Money gives salvation from the mind.
There should be justice in labour.
Money should be earned righteously and spent righteously.
Toil alienates the teacher from the disciple.
Money separates the disciple from the teacher.
One should see silence in the filling breath, happiness in the Kumbhaka breath, and peace in the rechaka breath.
Silence is created in you, joy is a state in you, and peace is a rhythm in you.
Just as you give your body enough energy for a day by giving food to your mouth, in Sadhguru Satsang through your ears the Guru gives you enough soul energy and wisdom for your life. – Aumaujayaah
Pleasure comes with the body.
Indulgence comes and goes with age.
The disease comes and goes with the mind.
Yoga comes once with the soul and never goes away. – Aumaujayaah
Giving grief to the Guru is a sacrifice
It is love to impart joy to righteousness.- Aumaujayaah
If you live in the order of nature, you will conquer the body.
If you live under the command of the soul, you will conquer the mind.
If you live under Guru’s orders, you will conquer life and you will become God’s.

The Kundalini is awakened by observing the two cells, the point and the tip of the nose continuously for 48 minutes at a time. Then the face turns yellow. Then put the thumb of the right hand and the little finger of the right hand under the right ear and lie down on the right side for a while. After waking up, the face has a golden glow.

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