Join us for a spiritual journey like no other at the Aumaujaya Nagara Sankirtana, accompanied by Mahaaguru Divyanuraham, held every Tuesday. This sacred event sees the participation of many devotees who come together in heartfelt devotion.
Venue: Rampally Village , Date: 7/5/2024, Tuesday, Time: 7:00 am

The Aumaujaya Nagara Sankirtana is a profound experience of chanting and singing the divine names, filling the air with spiritual vibrations. Led by Mahaguru Divyanuraham, this event is a unique opportunity to connect with the divine and experience inner peace.
Nestled in the serene surroundings of Rampally Village Square, this weekly gathering is open to all who seek spiritual upliftment. Whether you’re a seasoned devotee or new to the path, you’re invited to join us and immerse yourself in the blissful atmosphere of devotion.

By participating in this program, one can receive the love, blessings, and grace of Sri Prabhuji. It’s a time to let go of worldly concerns and bask in the divine presence, rejuvenating your spirit and strengthening your connection to the divine.
The Aumaujaya Nagara Sankirtana is more than just a religious gathering; it’s a journey of the soul, a celebration of unity, and a pathway to inner transformation. Through the power of sacred chants and collective devotion, we can experience profound peace and spiritual fulfillment.
So mark your calendars and make a date with divinity every Tuesday at Rampally Village Square. Come, join us, and experience the divine presence of Aumaujaya Nagara Sankirtana with Mahaguru Divyanuraham.
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External references
To find more divine content, you can visit shreeprabhu website.