We have known for a long time that the Earth emits its energy in the form of electromagnetic waves. This emission is called “Electromagnetic radiation”. Now a device has been invented that can sense and measure this energy. The name of this device is ‘Lecher antenna. It got its name because it was discovered in 1890 by a German physicist named ‘Ernst Lecher’. The device consists of two foldable handle rods, an antenna, a scale, and an indicator on the scale to indicate the range of wavelengths of the energy waves. This device was further developed in 1975 by another German physicist, Reinhard Scheider.

The Earth’s energy grid, which is made up of geomagnetic lines of varying widths and intensities around the Earth, is called “Earth’s Energy Grid”. A Lecher antenna can measure this energy grid. This Lecher antenna is also useful for studying, diagnosing and analysing the energy vibration levels of the human body.

Lecher antenna works on the principle of resonance. Based on the principle that things that vibrate faster have shorter wavelengths, we can sense changes in energy levels, no matter how sudden they occur, with a ‘Lecher antenna’. We choose the length of the antenna rod based on half wavelengths or multiples of wavelengths.

Energy Grids (Energy Grids):- In the 1970s, Dr Ernst Hartmann, a German physicist, discovered a grid of lines of force emanating from the Earth’s surface and rotating in a circle around the globe. This energy is formed in the form of magnetic field lines at intervals of 2 meters in north-south directions and 2.5 meters in east-west directions. This energy grid is called the “Hartmann Grid” and these energy fields are called “Bio-electromagnetic fields (BEM)”. Emissions from the Earth’s surface are called telluric emissions.

As a result of research over the last 2 decades – these ‘telluric’ are 20 types of bio-electromagnetic energy emissions, excluding harmful emissions from faults in the ground and ground layers of underground water flows!
Measuring Energy Levels: – There are many specific ways to measure different types of energy fields around us. Devices used for that are Lecher antenna and biometers. This scale named Biometer was invented by Frenchman Antoine Bovis and his colleague Andre Simonton. Measurements of energy on this scale are called Bovis.
On this Bovis scale,
1. ‘0’ Bovis represents the powerless self-i.e. the void of energy.
2. The energy level of a normal human body without any disease in the physical system is 6500 Bovis. If a person has a lower energy count than this, then that person has an illness, infection or some medical problem. The more this energy level declines, the sicker the person’s body is. If this level of energy is completely depleted, a person dies.
3. The range of energy levels from 6500 Bovis to 16,000 Bovis represents the energy levels of the various energy chakras in the human body.

Every living cell in the human body is like a radio receiving energy with its own special frequency. Every cell in our body receives basic energies from the earth and nature in the form of energy vibrations. In this modern technological world, we are not only negative telluric and negative cosmic energies but also emitted by the production supply and consumption of electricity through television antenna and tubes overhead water tanks and underground water tanks, reinforced cement concrete buildings and other structures, synthetic materials and many more. Although we know that negative energy radiations are harmful to us, we have become completely accustomed to them. We are most affected by these negative energy vibrations where we sleep and where we work. Because our bodies spend long periods of time in these places, these negative energy fields cause the vibrational energy of living cells to disturb their natural functioning. As a result of time, they make us sick.

The structure of a house or apartment creates an energy field. This energy field is called ‘Central Energy Point’ or ‘Structural Energy’. On each structure, the energy of the earth and the universe radiates in ten directions. This energy is called the ‘Cosmo-telluric energy column’. The ten directions are – East, West, North, South, North-East, North-West, South-East, South-West, Zenit of the upper direction and Nadir of the lower direction. Strength of a structure.

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