World means mind, mind means the world. There is no difference between the world and the mind. Without a mind, there is no world at all and without a world, there is no mind at all. There is a meeting point between the world and the mind that is called time. So our whole life is nothing but time if we go on chasing time every moment. We want the good time, we don’t want the bad time. So the time depends on the energy levels. If we have good energy, we can have a good time. If we have bad energy then we will have a bad time. So our time depends on our energy only. It is not as per the world or as per the mind because out of energy mind is created, out of the mind the time is created, out of the time the world is created, out of the world the energy is created, this is the vicious circle in the existence. So those who what to develop their positive energy levels or those who what to know their energy levels have to come for the full moon day Satsang. Full moon day is the only source where we get positive, divine, spiritual, cosmic, and enlightened energy. That is the very natural energy where we can receive, flower, grow, and can get the perfection of life naturally in the existence of the full moon. It is available to all where ever you are however you are that is not the matter you can definitely feel the full moon and you can experience the full moon. Just being in the presence of the full moon day, automatically, energy centers can be activated and can be expanded so that your energy levels will be increased.

The full moon day energy needs for everyone even it needs to all creatures it needs to all things it needs everything that exists on the earth. So first everyone has to decide to live a happy life. For a happy life, everyone needs good energy for positive energy everyone must come for the full moon day Satsang or full moon day meditation workshop so that they can definitely increase their positive energy and decrease their negative energy. So, a full moon day is the source of positive, spiritual, divine, cosmic and enlightened energy. It is the life energy and life force energy once we sit with the full moon automatically. Whatever negative is accumulated by the world and which is existing in our self will be removed and destroyed and will be totally whitewashed. For this everyone has to meditate on the full moon day to receive the blessings of God because God gave this blessing to everyone on this globe just by giving the full moon day to us.

On the full moon day we can receive the grace of cosmic energy, except the full moon day we don’t have any source to receive the cosmic energy from existence, whatever you receive without the full moon day the energy is not cosmic there is only the process or the progress of the positive or divine or spiritual energy, originally cosmic energy can be received only by full moon day. In our body, there are one hundred and seven (107) energy centers and in our body, there are one thousand three (1003) souls, without opening the one hundred and seven (107) souls our one thousand three (1003) souls never be enlightened. When our one thousand three (1003) souls are not enlightened our human birth will be wasted. Without that enlightened source, our life never is perfect so to live the human being life as perfectly as possible everyone has to enlighten their one thousand three (1003) souls. For that, they have to do hard work to open their one hundred seven (107) energy centres. To attain that there is only one source that is the full moon day, on the full moon day if you take the darshan of the SadGuru you sit in the presence of the SadGuru and if you meditate with him automatically you will be connected with the cosmic energy, that cosmic energy will be connected to you all one hundred and seven (107) energy centers by the grace of the master and by the blessing of the master and in the presence of his love. So automatically your souls will start to flower. At that movement, these one hundred and seven (107) energy centers will be activated. Basically, everybody’s energy centers are deactivated, no one’s energy centers are activated, and all are just in the silent mode, are in the off mode. So now we have to first activate them. For that we need the full moon, without the moon, there is no mind, no time, and no physical world at all.

The whole body mechanism and whole mind mechanism depend on the full moon, your power of the mind, intellect, sub-intellect, ego, and time everything depends on a full moon only if you want money, health, wealth, happiness, success, satisfaction, achieving the goal, fulfilling dreams, fulfilling desires fulfilling the physical world and the spiritual world you need the positive mind, divine mind, spiritual mind, cosmic mind, enlightened mind these five minds are the basic minds where we can attain the true self of universe. So to activate our one hundred and seven (107) energy centers we have only one source in this whole universe that is the full moon day on that day if you sit just in the presence of the master for a few minutes automatically you will receive the grace of the cosmic you will get the blessings of the master and then one hundred and seven (107) energy centers will be activated.

The full moon day is the only wholly day on the globe except for that day nothing is the perfect day. People celebrate festivals on so many days, but every festival depends on some event that is not natural, that is not spontaneous, that is not the love for the universe, and that is not designed by god. That is designed by the human being. So every festival depends on the event of the history or event of the world, but the full moon day is the event created by the god. It is the greatest occasion and the greatest blessing.  human beings can receive the perfect energy and become the perfect human being. without receiving this energy, no one can become perfect on this globe. So to become the perfect human being and to live the perfect human being life, everyone has to attend the full moon day Satsang.

This Satsang (Program) is conducted at Hyderabad center by beloved Master Jaimahavibhoshri on every full moon day evening from 6.30 pm to 8.20 pm. Discourse and different kinds of meditations are taught to enlighten people.

People come from long distances to attend this Satsang and get the blessings of the beloved Master. Afterward, devotees share their unique and great experiences of Aumaujaya miracles with each and every one.

Dinner and Prashad distribution will be there for all the devotees.


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