What is Samadhi? How many types of graves are there? What are their conditions?

Whatever the answer is Samadhi. Samadhi is a state of no question. The state of no answer.

Whatever is not the answer is Maya. There is a total of 112 types of tombs. We can visit 7 types of tombs. Spiritual means the world of vision, the world of knowledge, consciousness, and experience.

1) If it comes out of the subject it is called Savikalpa Samadhi.
2)If it comes out of words it is called Nirvikalpa Samadhi.
3) If it comes out of thoughts it is called samprajnata samadhi.
4) If it comes out of opinions it is called asaprajnata samadhi.
5) If it comes out of the experience it is called nirvikalpa samadhi.

It is Dharma that gives practice and Samadhi Tattva

Religions provide belief and inform philosophy.

To attain Samadhi status
1) There should be no movement in the eye.
2) Maintain balance in breathing.
3) While sitting in a mudra the hands should be balanced so that they do not separate.
4) Legs should be balanced while doing asana. The reason why cramps occur is because of an imbalance

Satsangatva is Nissangatva

Nissangatva is Nirmohatva

Nirmohatva is stillness

Stillness is life-free:

Satsangatwe means eyes. The eyes should be connected in Satsang. Nissangatva means breath. The breath should merge into the soul. Nirmohatva means hands. Hands should be joined in spirit. Stillness means the feet. The feet should be turned inward.

By doing this one attains the state of Jeevanmukta, which means that the Kundalini in the spine merges into the Sahasrara.

2) What is a quest?

Experiencing tapas is called Tapana. Tapas is the feeling of emptiness within you. If you feel emptiness, it becomes light. For example, we put oil in a bottle and light it. A wick has no power to light. Oil has no power to light, a lamp has no power to light, and a bottle has no power to light. But when all four are combined, they give light. They do not have the power to give light separately. This is called penance. The bottle with you means your body. The oil means the mind. The wick also means your mind. A match is your time. It means attention, faith, devotion, focus, and attention. They use their body, mind, and intellect for various tasks. If they put all of them aside and use them for a single task, i.e. for the soul, it is called tapas. Spending your body, mind, intellect, and time on a single goal is called tapas. The quest is to carry it forward relentlessly. Tapana is the practice of sacrificing that which hinders one’s penance and embracing that which is favorable.

What are the benefits of Yajna?

Due to the ingredients placed in the Yajna Gundam, the atmosphere around us is purified and the subtle body is awakened.

Mental energy, willpower, and intellect will increase.

Peace, contentment, and happiness increase.

Forgiveness increases.

Goodness and humanity will increase.

Great goals, qualities, and things related to philosophy and yoga are attained.

A sound is also a form of fire. Sound is inextricably linked to fire.

Yajna invokes all the energies of the animals and nature around us.

Yajna makes you wise and conscious.

You will get clarity on everything.

Eyes are the embodiment of consciousness

Ears are the embodiment of knowledge

Mukukuna yoga form

Lips are a form of silence

Whatever you observe, you have the power to control, the power to restrain, the power to rule it.

Looking at your forehead increases love.

Observing your heart will increase devotion.

Enemies will be destroyed if they watch your shoulder.

Taking care of your nails, teeth and hair will help you overcome anger.

If you observe, you can get rid of evil in yourself.

If you receive it, you can increase the good.

If you want your wishes to come true, ask

Note that you don’t want desires

Be a witness if you want to be beyond these two and be united in the Supreme Being.

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