A special Sadhguru Satsang is held on the full moon day of every month. In the ashram premises… outdoors, in the cool moonlight of the full moon in the lap of Mother Nature, in the divine presence of Swayambhuh Sadguru Jaimahavibhoshri, the embodiment of sound, whose gaze is colder than the full moon, the devotees who sit in Satsang forget all their fears and listen to Sadguru’s words with the stream of consciousness. . On every full moon day, Jaimahavibhosrih teaches about the special full moon of that month and the message that nature gives us on that full moon day, and a special mudra meditation to be practiced on that full moon day.

Every full moon Satsang is very special. On every full moon day, the energy of nature flows according to the star and planetary positions in the sky that day. Sadhguru’s grace is essential for us to realize that power. The fruit of each full moon meditation is equal to itself! Jaimahavibhoshrih gives mankind a unique seal for each full moon so that we can embrace the energy of nature and become conscious. The fruit of that full moon meditation lasts for at least 365 days to a few yugas. If some full moon meditation is like this, it stays with our soul forever. For devotees who participate in full moon meditations, most of the blessings flow towards material growth and they get material fruits. Moreover, they are freed from physical and mental disorders and grow spiritually.

The source of society is women. Women who participate in these satsangs become role models for the family and society. Pregnant women participating in satsangams will make the unborn child great. Today’s children are tomorrow’s social builders. By participating in these satsangs, children develop a good personality, and they emerge as ideal human beings, great leaders, teachers, social reformers, and gods of this world. On every Thursday and full moon day, the Satsang begins with the bhajan, continues with sadguru Satsang, and ends with alms. Divyaprasad and food donations are conducted after every Satsang….it is “amritaushadam” for the devotees…that is, the elixir that bestows spiritual progress and cures all ailments. In these settings many devotees, disciples, sadhakas, mumukshus, artharthas, inquisitives, seekers of self-knowledge, mokshagams, jati, Caste, creed, region, class, gotra, color, woman, man, child, youth, old age participate without distinction and are worthy of Sadhguru’s grace and are blessed. In these satsangs, we have Jaimaha Vibhoshree’s understanding of human life, the development of the consciousness of personality, many scientific standards, the worldly, natural, life virtues, Bhagavat Chaitanya, the essences of the universal religious virtues, about many sadhana features, about the experiences of all the liberated men.

It is because of Sadguru’s Satsang that our soul bursts forth, as lotuses bloom in the presence of the sun like lilies bloom in the light of the moon, and the 1003 petals of our soul blossom in the presence of Sadguru. Sadguru Satsang in the body is mandatory for a person to attain Jivanmukti. Sahasrara Chakra bursts through Sadguru Satsang. Thus the sarvanadimandalam is purified, all the subtle bodies get jivanmukti, the ida pingala sushumna nadus are purified, the kundalini is awakened, brahma vishnu pierces the Rudra glands, reaches the brahmarandhra and makes the devotee who participates in sadguru satsang become a real sadguru. Then having perfect self-realization he attains the merit of Mahapara Nirvana life as a self-realized and perfect Buddha. Sadguru Satsang will liberate you from the life of illusion and make you a life of glory. Sadguru Satsang is the removal of all sins, the removal of all faults, and the end of all evils.

Sadguru Satsang is Triveni Sangam. The pilgrimage is to go to Sadguru Satsang! Puja, worship, archana, abhishekam, meditation, yoga, yajna, yagam, homam, mantra, tantra, yantra, medicine, mani, siddhi vidhi, japa, tapa, mauna, fasting, divine vision, the fruit of all these spiritual activities are gathered together in one Sadguru Satsang. available As a result your lives will be filled with health, peace, contentment, happiness, wealth, success, good relations, love, reciprocity, good fortune, happiness, virtue, fortune, fortune, yoga, consciousness, knowledge, love, power, fear, boon, Filled with grace, grace, and compassion, you will be physically and spiritually balanced and attain the pinnacle of human life. So devotees! Come on! Participate in Sadguru Satsang!! Get yourself one! Take the life of your choice! Be your light and shine to all!!!

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