Depending on your thoughts you will receive the blessings of the Supreme.
You will receive the blessings of God according to your decisions.
According to your intentions you will receive the grace of the Supreme.
Depending on your behavior, you will find paths.
Your vision shapes your creation.
Whatever you focus on will grow. If you focus on the good, the good will grow. If you focus on evil, evil will grow.

The messages given by the Lord through this Poornima Satsang are 2
1) Be united
2) Understand.

It is patriotism if it is united with all men.
If one is united with the earth, it becomes Prakriti Bhakti.
If one is united with the Guru it becomes self-devotion.

If a person is less understood, anger will result.
The more you understand a person, the more you feel compassion for that person.
If the level of understanding is low, Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsaryas, Ashtamada, Saptavyasanas, Jealousy, Jealousy, Ragadveshas, ​​Ahamkaras, Revenge, Revenge, Misunderstandings, Pattampa, Suspicions, Malvysanas, Violent tendencies all increase.

Where there is unity, God takes up His abode.

If you are united with Guru, your energies, talents, knowledge and consciousness will be awakened.

If you are united with Sadhguru, you will become Sadhguru yourself.

If you are united with Sadhguru
All the power on this earth becomes accessible.
All knowledge on this earth comes down to desire.
All consciousness on this earth comes into need.
All the love on this earth comes in.

If you are united with the Guru, you will not lose courage, faith, health and happiness.

If you have courage, faith, health and happiness, God is with you!

Sadguru is a kalpa tree. Whatever you think and desire from Sadhguru will surely come true.

Sathya, Shiva, Sundaram, Satchidanandam and Chaitanya are all natural in Sadguru, as natural as the ocean.

Remember the phrase Aumaujayaa. I will see to it that your eyes don’t get teary. I will see to it that hopelessness is not in your hands. I will see that your vision is never darkened. I will see that ignorance does not enter your ears. I will see that sin does not touch your life. Walk holding this Omaujaya’s hand to always guide you in the path of virtue, fortune and fortune. See how happily you can live your life.

Friendship with Sadguru, realization of consciousness of life.

Don’t separate from Sadguru
Walk in this world without corruption

Whatever you get from this world will lead you to the grave.
Whatever you get from Sadguru will make you shine like God.

Small mind leads to hell in life.
If the mind is large, heaven will be reached in life.

If you can’t be united, be loving.
Be patient if you don’t understand.

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