God is always with you. God always guides you. To listen to God you must be with your body, you must have patience in your heart, and you must have acceptance in your mind. Whatever you accept it becomes positive. So accept everything. Patience means experiencing oneself, understanding oneself, and enlightening oneself. Patience always brings blessings. Impatience always brings ego. The Ego always divides you and makes you divide everything.

Vedas are teaching about three ‘guna’s ( Tamo guna, Rajo guna, Saatvika guna), Tamo guna means body. The body has expectations, dreams, requirements, needs, and desires. If you have Tamo guna in the positive mode, you will have expectations, dreams, requirements, needs, and desires. If you have Tamo guna in the negative mode, you will have laziness, postponement, negligence, irresponsibility, and habits.

  • If you have expectations, you won’t get lazy.
  • If you have dreams, you won’t have a postponement.
  • If you have requirements, you won’t have negligence.
  • If you have needs, you won’t have irresponsibility.
  • If you have desires, you won’t have habits. – Aumaujayaa

Rajo guna means mind. Mind means memory, discussion, and questions.

  • As per your logic, you will have memories.
  • As per your creativity, you will discuss.
  • As per your understanding, you will question.

The positive mode of rajo guna gives you logic and creativity. The negative mode of rajo guna gives you memory, discussion, and questions. Saatvika guna means the world. The positive mode of saatvika guna gives you discipline, punctuality, responsibility, and humanity. If you have saatvika guna in the negative mode, you will be stuck up in your personal life, family life, professional life, and belief system.

  • If you don’t have discipline, you can’t come out of your personal life.
  • If you don’t have punctuality, you can’t come out of family life.
  • If you don’t have responsibility you can’t come out of professional life.
  • If you don’t have humanity, you can’t come out of your belief system.

Don’t demand God to bless you in the way you desire. God knows everything. He gives you what you need but not what you want.

  • As per the world, God designed your mind.
  • As per the existence, God designed your heart.
  • As per you, God designed your soul.
  • As per the purpose of your birth, God designed your body.


  • A disturbance between the body and the world is the expectation.
  • A disturbance between a person and you is a dream.
  • A disturbance between work and you are a requirement.
  • A disturbance between relation and you are the need.
  • A disturbance between the body and the mind is desire.


  • Expectation means connecting with your energy centers.
  • Expectation guides you on how to expand your life.
  • Expectation means receiving energy, accepting power, and connecting with a resource of life.

The expectation is the beginning point of the future, the beginning point of the goal, and the first step towards success. Expectation says do your best. If you get a failure means you are not going in the right way. It doesn’t mean you don’t have the power to get success. The body loves to dream. If your body doesn’t dream, you will get the illness. Dreams give strength to the immune system. The body loves nature, blood relations, friends, relatives, and work.

  • If you love the human being, you will get healing power.
  • If you love your father, you will get leadership qualities.
  • If you love your mother, you will get philosopher qualities.
  • If you love your siblings, you will get professional qualities.
  • If you love your relatives, you will get athlete qualities.
  • If you love your friends, you will get a spiritual person’s qualities or a scientist’s qualities.

The requirement means connecting with your power. The body requires the right identity, the right address, the right treatment, and uniqueness. Need means connecting with strength. Weakness doesn’t care about anything and does not take any responsibility. Strength cares about everything and takes responsibility. Work means taking from the world. Service means giving to the world. Devotion means neither taking nor giving. Devotion means being available to god. The power of the body is work, the power of the heart is devotion, and the power of the soul is service. The World gives happy and healthy life. The Guru gives satisfactory and peaceful life. If you have health, you will get work. Work gives money, money gives happiness. This is a worldly journey. If you have devotion, you will do service. By doing service, you will get love. Love gives you bliss, consciousness, goodness, and God. This is a spiritual journey. The World gives happy and healthy life. The guru gives satisfactory and peaceful life. If you have health, you will get work. Work gives money, money gives happiness. This is a worldly journey. If you have devotion, you will do service. By doing service, you will get love. Love gives you bliss, consciousness, goodness, and God. This is a spiritual journey.

Worldly life is “Entertainment and Enjoyment”.

The Spiritual journey is “Celebration and Enlightenment”.

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