Before talking to a person, before starting a task, before traveling, remember the form of Aumaujayaah in Bindu and begin by filling (taking in) the breath.

At the end of anything one should kumbhaka (stop within) the breath remembering the form of Aumaujayaah in Bindu.

When you wake up in the morning, before opening your eyes, look at the form of Aumaujayaah in the Bindu, take in the breath and open your eyes saying, “Ei na sudinam Aumaujayaah arpanamastuh”, Aumaujayaah will take charge of every moment of that day.

Before going to sleep at night, offering that day to Aumaujayaah and breathing out (leaving it out) and going to sleep, Aumaujayaah will take away the bad of that day and give us the good.

If one holds one’s breath while talking to a person and remembers the form of Aumaujayaah in Bindu, evil will not come from that person.

Vitality is obtained by filling the breath.
Atman Shakti is obtained by making kumbhaka breath.
By stimulating the breath, death is reduced.

Keeping both hands on the head in Namaskara mudra, covering the ears with the shoulders, and standing for 5 minutes with more weight on the toes will give the result of doing all the asanas on this earth.

Right-hand ring finger, little finger, touching the palm, middle finger, and index finger on the forehead, close the right nostril with the thumb, inhale through the left nostril for 7 seconds, do kumbha for 7 seconds, and exhale through the right nostril. Those who do this pranayama get the result of all the pranayamas on this earth.

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