To be living in the present is to be blessed.  When you are not, then you are. In the world, everything is up and down. Man proposes something, but God blesses with something else. To live the right life, we need to knock on the door of meditation. Anyone, who does meditation, will have to put everything right side up.

 First! Remember always the body as totally as possible. The Original self, who is on the side of the body, goes on observing you as a second person. When you are walking, sitting, eating, sleeping, talking, or doing anything, then remember the center, which is neither walking, sitting, eating, or talking. Whatever is happening is happening on the surface. When you dig deep into yourself, you will come to the world of the living. If you dive more deeply into yourself beyond all doing and living, you will realize wonderfully your unbelievable and miraculous being.  Be aware of the non-doer in the doing and the non-mover in the moving. Then you will come to encounter your original face of yours on the path of the golden mean.

Never commit not unto yourself to the vicious circle of birth and death; happiness and suffering. Then you will come to know yourself as total as the universe. To be desired is, to be cursed unto oneself. When you do not try to know the future life or the past life, but put yourself in the effort to know death, then you will know yourself by experiencing the mysteries of life, which are liberating and revealing to you. True knowing happens when you flow with life as a dead leaf in the wind.

The complete scientific education of the materialistic world produces hollow men. It gives nothing to you. It rather takes everything from you. Objective knowledge will only guide and lead you towards the life of cause and effect; doubt and experiment; search and seek; effort and result; suffering and non-suffering. The world creates the dead emptiness of man within. Because of that dead emptiness, the unknown tension and fear are living in modern man. Today, the man is not living. But in name of living, he is dying moment to moment, before one is really born in himself.

 One should always remember one thing that man cannot live by body and mind alone; he cannot live by philosophy and science alone; he cannot live by politics, business, and family alone; and he cannot live by money and woman alone. Nowadays man’s life has become an entertainment and enjoyment with money. Until you understand the life of the inner, the outer life will become hell for you. The outer is meaningless life without the inner richness. Only outer richness or inner richness will not give us a complete and perfect life to us.

 Today the life of man is empty and become dead. He is hollow and there is no growth in his inner life. He is totally engaged to live the outer life. That is creating a great hell of a china wall around him. Whatever life you live, it grows. The outer grows only when you live the outer. The inner grows when you live the inner. The inner gives eyes and light to the outer life. The outer gives the path and enlightens the inner life. The inner life enlightens the perfection of outer life. The inner and outer lives are nothing but the life of breath. When we live our inner and outer life totally, then only our life will attain the unattainable fulfillment of the ultimate flowering of life. The outward is the way of growth for the life of money, mind, and body. The inward is the way of growth for the life of grace, heart, soul, and God.

 Life goes on flowing in present. It does not wait for anybody. That is why it is impossible to know the divine intellectually and scientifically.  The mind lives in time. When it thinks, it takes time. To live, time is not needed for us. The intellectual one and the scientific one live in time, but the reality is that there is no time in existence. It appears as it is because of the mind and its doubt. But existence lives in eternity. The existence lives not in time. Only knowledgeable, ignorant, and blind people exist in time. That’s why the intellectuals deny the presence of God and love. The intellectual and the scientific ones exist either in the past or in the present. But existence exists in the eternal Here and Now. The reality is that there is neither past nor future nor present. The mind always lives in time and works only in the circle of the dead known. That’s why try to live life out of the mind or beyond the mind. Otherwise, you will always imprison yourself.  Life is not your servant and you cannot order life because life is you. It is before your eyes as clear as the sun and as open as the flower. That’s why life never waits for you. The mind lives always missing life. It never knows the truth that the root cause for the tension of the mind is that it is missing life itself. So, be aware of the mind, the mind of sound, and the mind of silence.

Just live life as simple as a flower here and now spontaneously. Be a witness unto yourself, keeping awareness of the gap of breath and emptiness.  The incoming future birth of breath brings the life of light. The outgoing past death of breath takes the life of cold. Between the incoming and outgoing breath of life, there is a gap.  The present life of breath gives the life of warmth. When we live the life of the present, then we become the divine incarnation itself.

Do not look at life, but see death. When you come to know life beyond death, then you will live the true life.  You will become life itself.  Life is not something to live. It is something to be remembered. Death is your real Master who guides and leads you toward the ultimate enlightenment. First, know the death. Then only you will know life. Otherwise, it is not possible to live the being of God

My dear! Just remember one miracle mantra that is “ WHO AM I “.Go on chanting it for 24 hours. Let it become every core and atom of your being. Then you will be answered and blessed.

Be a stranger unto yourself. Forget the known, remember the unknown, and be unknowable. Then you will be at the eternal home.

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