Jai ho Jai ho GEMS


Ra ree raa AUYSA

Proud to say proud to say  proud to say We AUYSA

Win the world celebrate the life || 2 ||

Proud to say proud to say proud to say We are Aumaujayas

Raising stars in the morning

We are new down to the world We are the youngsters  || 3 ||

We are the citizens of the universe  || 3 ||

We are indians  || 3 ||

we are aumaujayas  || 2 ||

Proud to say proud to say proud to say We AUYSA

Win the world celebrate the life || 2 ||

We are hindustaanees.. hum hai hindustanee..

We are aumaujayaas hum hai aumaujayaas    || 2 ||

We are the peak of the world || 2 ||

We are the depth of the world  || 2 ||

We are everything to the world  || 2 ||

We are blessing to the world

Proud to say proud to say proud to say We AUYSA
Win the world celebrate the life || 2 ||

We are the leaders of the world

We are the scientists of the nature

We are the philosophers of the life

We are the humanitarians

We are the gurus of the wisdom

 We are the awe of the life

We are the the creaters of the history

We are the newlife to the mistory

We are the stars of the life   || 2 || 

We are the wonders of the universe   || 2 ||

Proud to say proud to say proud to say We AUYSA

Win the world celebrate the life ll2ll

we are the strength of the nation We are the new tradition

We are the new culture ll2ll

No one can beat us beat us beat us

No one can reach us reach us reach us

We are the first step of the save the life

Proud to say proud to say proud to say WE AUYSA

We Win the World Celebrate the life   || 2 ||

We are the power of youth power of enjoyment

We are the power of youth power of enlightenment

We AUYSA We are aumaujayaas || 2 ||  
We are the mind of the world

We are soul of the thought

We are the beauty of the life

We are the experience of perfection   Il 2ll

Come on come on oh my friends || 3 ||

Let us enjoy fragrance of the life

And celebrate here and now  ll211

Celebrate love laughter life

Live love life

Proud to say proud to say proud to say We AUYSA

Win the world celebrate the life   Il 2ll

AUYSA Aumaujayaas

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