Master’s message on “GURU”

Humanity will flourish within you if think for a while not for you but for your fellow citizens. If you live only for your sake, you will become a brute. You will become God if you live for the sake of all human beings. You will become a truthful person and a divine being if you see your benefit in the benefit of all, your welfare in the welfare of all, your victory in the victories of all, your happiness in the happiness of all, your contentment in the contentment of all, and if you see your life in all people. The God on this planet Earth is a person who has become a light unto himself and helps others to a light and themselves, a person who practices the principles and makes others practice the same principles, a person who experiences and assists others to experience the same, a person who learns and helps others learn, a person who transforms and makes others transform, a person who grows in life and makes others grow in life, and a person who attains and assists others to attain. The person who makes all people conscious human beings filled with humanity and divinity; sharing his love, wisdom, fortunes, virtues, and all wealth can become a real human being.

God is in human form

The person who makes all people conscious human beings filled with humanity and divinity, sharing his love, wisdom, consciousness, fortunes, virtues, and all wealth, can become a real human being. There is no temple other than this body. This body is a living temple. The body is a temple of consciousness. Your whole consciousness is within you. Your whole wisdom is within you. Your energy, caliber, fortune, virtue, wealth, boon, totality, and wealth your wealth of life is within you. You need three things to realize this. The first is meditation, the second one is service, and the third one is Guru. You don’t need any other things than these three things. You think of what you want to survive in the world. But, you never think of what you need to live within you. You need spirituality to live within you. You need wealth, a profession, and a little bit of education in order to live in the world.

The  Art of Spirituality

Spirituality is the heart of experiencing yourself. The guru is the one who brings you into your experience. Meditation is the light of consciousness that enlightens you. Do you know what you gain by doing meditation? All the nine planets, eight directions, all the past and future, all the stars, Gods, Gurus, and all the Rishis will revolve around you. They will come for your darshan and feel for your touch. They live only for listening to you. Meditation is a weapon that attracts all of them near you. You will be a light unto yourself. Your seed of consciousness will explode within you and you will become a great soul of shining wisdom when you do meditation. You need not live depending on anybody. All the living beings on this planet Earth have to live depending on something or somebody except man. Only man is an independent one on this Planet Earth. Only man is a free being and an energetic one.
It is said that we should take care of our home while there is light. In the same way, we should own the divine while there is life in our bodies. It is the challenge we have in front of us. The universe, the world, nature, all the wealth and riches, all the wisdom, all the consciousness, all the existence and essence of all the galaxies are owned by us if we own the divine once.

Wealth of Eternity

Life says only one thing you can get nothing free of cost. In order to gain something, you have to lose something. That is why gaining all the things on the planet Earth lies in losing all the things. So, you must attain the thing which is eternal and lose the thing which is transient. That is the aim of our life. We have taken birth here only for the sake of that aim, goal, and aspiration. We want wealth which is impossible for sake though we wish to relinquish it. We want wealth which is impossible to run it out though we try to use it in different ways. We want wealth which is impossible to get away from us though we try to be detached from it. That is consciousness. That is wisdom. That is nectar. That is the essence of a divine being. That is the secret of secrets. Work hard in order to gain that wealth. Awaken the sleeping Guru within you once. The Guru within you will be understood to you if the Guru awakens in you. The Guru in front of you cannot be understood as long as the Guru within you is in asleep. All the meditations and bhajans that you do is for awakening the divine Guru, the beloved Guru, and the truthful Guru who is asleep within you. You will become Guru if the Guru within you awakens once. You cannot become Guru as long as you are asleep.
Only a man of wisdom can grow in life. Only a man of wisdom can experience and enjoy this world. Only a man caliber can become one with the world. Only a man of caliber can become a fortune in the world. You have to earn capability and talent in order to own anything in the world. Those are available plenty near the Guru. Energy, caliber, excellence, consciousness, wisdom, nectar, the secret of the entire creation, and all types of skills are available at the feet of the Guru. Guru can give all the wealth that cannot be given by God, Nature, the world, and parents. The Guru can give us the wealth of nectar that cannot be given by all our universities. In this universe, no one can give us the wealth which is given by Guru. You will get worse if you do bad to Guru. You will be good if you do good to Guru. You should remember that you will get it back in thousand folds whatsoever you give to the guru.

 Be a Leader unto Yourself

You cannot lead a comfortable life in the world unless you become a leader unto yourself. In order to make your life and your worldly life comfortable, you should think about your life, take decisions about your life and make effort about your life. You will become a real leader unto yourself when you live your worldly life with freedom and independence, without depending on anybody or anything. What so ever you want on this Planet Earth is within you. First of all, seek within yourself. Find yourself. If you find yourself, you can catch this whole world. If you do not find yourself, you will be caught by the world. You can enter into your inner world, into the world of your consciousness, and into the life, you have earned when for the sake of your ego. You cannot enter into your life as long as you have an ego. How can enter into the Guru, God, and Nature without entering into yourself? Your life presents you with everything when you for sake of your ego.
Your life itself is God for you. Your life itself is scripture for you. Your life itself is Dharma (righteousness) for you. There is nothing greater than your life. You can learn and gain several things from your life. You can incarnate in different forms. Hence you need meditation for accepting life completely as it is. You need meditation for understanding your life. You need meditation to experience your life perfectly. You need meditation to bring the wealth in your life into the light. There is no other device in the universe than meditation in order to bring all the wealth within you into the light. You will become the beloved child of the divine if you do meditation. You need not ask for anything if you once start doing meditation. Whatsoever is to come, will come to you.

The Power of honesty

God never listens to your prayer, meditation, service, renunciation, and charity if you are not honest with yourself. There is no other thing on this Planet Earth, which has energy and eligibility of honesty. Do it honestly, what so ever you do. Do it with love, respect, and stability. Honesty means the thing which has no change. Honesty means the thing which is consistent and permanent. Honesty is greater than enlightenment. Honesty is greater than God. God never comes to you if you are not honest. The real proof of God is nothing but honesty. Witness, awareness, and consciousness are the by-products of honesty. There is nothing higher than honesty on this Planet Earth. You must remember that honesty is the only thing that you need to earn first, in order to live your life. Hence, first of all, earn honesty. Honesty gives you eligibility and eligibility gives you power. Power gives you legislation. The legislation gives you knowledge. Knowledge gives you awareness. Awareness gives you witness. Witness gives you excellence. Excellence gives you energy. Energy brings this fantastic, wonderful, and indefinable world to your feet.
Life is very valuable and wonderful. Life is not enslaving and encasing other. Life is not showing authority and power over others. Mainly, life means sharing love, peace happiness, contentment, and values with others. Life means living qualitatively. Life means sharing truth, righteousness, justice, morality, and honesty. My base is honesty. My posture is honest. I will live with those people who have honesty. I will forsake those people the moment they lose their honesty. They are waste on this planet earth. They are useful neither useful for them nor for the world. Honest people are useful for them and for the entire universe. That is why there is no other life source of human birth than honesty. Honesty is life. Our essence is nothing but honesty. Honesty is the eternal wealth of a real human being.

 Soul needs Guru

This body needs parents to take birth on this Planet Earth. In the same way, your soul needs a guru and his consciousness to take birth as a divine being. It is a secret how this wonderful body is formed out of the meeting of the smallest particles of the sperm with the egg. This secret is known to the guru. The smallest particle called the soul can be incarnated as God in the presence of a guru. The guru has the capacity and consciousness to give birth to the soul as God. A man of the soul is in need of a guru as much as a person who has a body is in need of the body
Guru never allows you to be defeated. He is beyond defeat. Guru never allows you to be perverted. He is beyond perversion. Guru never allows you to be evil. He is beyond evil. Guru never allows you to digress. He is beyond digression. He always takes you ahead and guides you toward your goal. The soul needs three things. 1) Service, 2) Meditation, 3) Guru. The soul feels happy, energized, and contended. If it has the three things (service, meditation, and guru). The soul is balanced, integrated, and new with service, meditation, and guru. The soul becomes an orphan without a guru. The soul is deprived of energy with our meditation. The soul becomes barren without service. The soul needs a guru, meditation, and service. The mind needs wealth, education, and power. The body needs contentment, a good family, and the right relationships.
Your soul is your Guru. He lives within your soul. He becomes Guru to you through your soul. You can experience your consciousness, energy, and caliber when you do meditation. You can attain peace, wealth, and willpower by doing meditation. All your dreams and desires will be fulfilled through meditation. You can be able to averse negativity and attract positivity by doing meditation.
You can get consciousness, energy, and wisdom by doing meditation. All the Gods and Gurus will bow in front of you. There is nothing impossible to meditate in this universe. It is possible to meditate. Meditation has the power to transform a normal man into a great soul. Meditation enlightens human beings as divine beings. Buddha, Krishna, Rama, and Jesus have become Gods through meditation. Moses, Meherbaba, and several great souls have become Gods through meditation.
Have trust in meditation. Have love and respect towards mediation. Practice meditation. Taste meditation. If you once taste meditation, you will be far away from alcohol and all kinds of delicious food. There is no other intoxication than meditation. The taste of meditation is like the taste of nectar.
All the Earth is filled with the mind. You will become the champion on this planet Earth if you understand and win the mind. If you win this Earth, you cannot be the winner of your mind. But, if you win your mind, you can become the world champion. The real warrior is the person who has won the mind. He is the real yogi. He is a brave man. Mind is the cause of defeat and victory. Mind is the cause of pain and pleasure. Mind is the cause of good and bad. Mind is the cause of your backwardness and forwardness. Mind is the cause of your loss and profits. Mind is the cause of all things in this world.

Mastery over your Mind

If you win the mind, you will become Vishnu. If you win the body, you will become Brahma. If you win the heart, you will become Maheswara. If you win the soul, you will become Parabramha (the enlightened being). The aim of your life is to become a Guru unto yourself. There is nothing more than this. You cannot understand God unless you become Guru. You cannot relish God unless you become a divine being. A Guru can relish the Guruhood. God can relish Godliness. Only a real can experience human life perfectly.
The thought of ‘my’, ‘I’, and ‘me’, within you makes you against God. Your ego will strengthen as per the feeling of ‘I’ solidifies within you. You will develop an infatuation with the world when your ego gets strengthened in you. One kind of fanatical interest will grow towards your body, mind, and this entire world when infatuation increases within you. Ignorance makes you deviate from the path of truth and enter into the path of Illusion. Then you will go far away from the truth and be embraced by death.
What so ever karma you do for the sake of Satguru in the path of spirituality will give you a good future. The service done to Satguru is called Nishkama karma (desire less action). You can live in the realm of spirituality and get enlightenment when you do service to Satguru expecting nothing with dedication.
Your parents will protect you when the entire world is against you. God will protect you when your parents, relatives, and well-wishers are against you. Sadhguru will protect you when Nature, parents, Gods, and Goddesses. You should know that no one protects you in the universe and beyond the universe when Sadhguru is against you. Nature, parents, Gods, Goddesses, Rishies, and Avatars. Of the universe have no power to change your fate. You should know that only Sadhguru has the caliber and capacity to change your fate.
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