Anunitya Lokakalyana programs conducted by Aumaujayaah Adisahasrah Parisamsthan:


Anunitya Lokakalyana programs conducted by Aumaujayaah Adisahasrah Parisamsthan:
1 Sadhguru Darshan is the solution to all problems.
2.Sadhguru Divine Satsang, distribution of food and prasada on every Thursday and full moon days.
3 “Newlife Foundation Workshop” is conducted on various spiritual topics on the second Saturday of every month.
4 Special “Personality Development Training Classes” are conducted for boys and girls on the third Sunday of every month.
5 Once in every three months, in the presence of Sadhguru, in the lap of nature, “Aumaujayaah Dhyana Chaitanya Viharayatras” are conducted.
6 Special “Atma Chaitanya Dhyana Satsangs” of Sadhguru will be conducted at designated time locations anywhere in the world on the invitation of devotees.
7 “Arogya Sanjeevani Deekshas” are given for perfect health.
8 “Aishwarya Deekshas” are given for the fruits of Sarvaishwarya Siddhi.
9 “Chaitanya Deekshas” and “Jevitamrita Deekshas” are given for all physical and spiritual fruition and Jivanmukti.
10 “Parathomaujaya Deekshas” are given to those who want to unite their lives and sacrifice everything in the Loka Kalyana Yajna.
11 “Healings (Sadguru Divya Chaitanyapatha Swasthatha Kriyas)” are given to get rid of any physical, mental and spiritual problems.
12 “Free Medical Camps” are conducted as part of social service by Aumaujayaah Adisahasrah Parisamsthan.
13 “Merit Scholarships” are awarded by Disahasrah Parisamsthan.
14 “Mudra Dhyana Classes” are conducted by our Bhaktomaujays and Parathomaujays in schools for the education, employment and life development of students through Aumaujayaah Adisahasrah Parisamsthan.
15 Through Omoujayah Adisahasrah Parisamsthan food grains, fruits, clothes etc. are distributed to old age homes and orphanages as a part of social service with a humanitarian perspective.
“Aumaujaya United Youngstars Association (AUYSA)” was founded by Jaimahavibhosree to train 16 young women and young men into ideal human beings. Thus nature conservation and social programs are carried out.
17 A monthly magazine called “Aumaujayaah spiritual luxury” will be given free of charge to convey the message of Sadhguru to all mankind.
18 Yagnas are performed for the sake of universal welfare, human welfare, nature welfare, self-welfare and world peace.

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