1) This Bhadrapada month full moon is the day when mother and father deities attain moksha

On this day, this divine satsang is organized to receive the grace, boon, and protection of God to welcome the most beautiful fruit of virtue and blessed fruit into our life.

2) Purnima Satsangs are very useful for learning the art of traveling through this world by incorporating God into our lives and conquering this world, uniting ourselves in God, merging with God, and connecting with God.

3) Visiting God and Sadguru on every full moon day in Sanatana Hindava Dharma is Vedic dharma coming from several centuries.

4) By visiting God and Sadguru on the full moon day, all the burdens of guilt, sins, and remnants of births from a few crores of births will vanish. By getting rid of ignorance, by getting rid of foolishness, by getting rid of attachment, we will get rid of this cycle of samsara.

5) Om Ga Nama: This mantra is related to Shanmukha Ganapati. Niomh Nam:

If this philosophy is understood, we will attain heaven in the ego, salvation in the supreme, realize the Lord, and realize the supreme Brahman as spiritual knowledge.

6) What gives strength to your soul is called culture.

What gives strength to your mind is called tradition.

What gives strength to your life is called a ritual.

What gives strength to your world is called the norm, or rule.

Whatever gives you strength is called Siddhanta.

That which illuminates you as God is called tattvam.

7) When you lose faith in yourself, your distance from God increases.

When your love for yourself decreases, your distance from God increases.

When you lose faith in yourself, you become distant from God.

When you lose love for yourself, God will be distant from you.

When you lose focus on yourself, all this humanity goes away.

When you don’t have knowledge about yourself, this world is far away from you.

When you are not aware of your energy capabilities, your future and present are lost.

When you are not aware of the talent and knowledge that you have, what you are useful for, and when you do not know what you are useful for, you are far away from everything.

8) If you accept yourself, everything will be available to you. Whatever is bad for you will go away. Whatever is good for you will be achieved.

9) Get both personal philosophy and devotional philosophy!

10) Gam means removing whatever is bad and increasing the good. Whatever is dark

It means removing what is and putting what is light before it. It means removing whatever fear there is and filling it with courage. It means removing whatever is unconscious and filling whatever is conscious.

11) Gam is the Siddhi which spreads the merit of getting the residue from Maya Sesha, the Mukti Tattva, and becoming a Kritardha in Parama Tattva and uniting in Para Bhama.

12) Hour is the basis of this earth, within the earth flows the sound called Nigaru. This Nigaru is the lifeblood of your blood

13) There are 27 Tattvas in Gham.

1) Health

If you drain the poison and receive the elixir, you will get healthy. Whatever the food, water, or environment you are in, accept whatever increases your life span, increases resistance to disease, and gives you strength.

A healthy person will see how rich this earth is. He visits heaven on earth.

A sick person sees how dangerous this land is. He will visit hell on this earth.

14) What you lose leads to hell.

What you save leads to heaven.

15) Joy is the address of God. Just as we remember that a flower is there when we see a fragrance, we remember that God is here when we see joy. If you are happy then God is with you. No happiness in you means God is not in you.

16) Health has 4 legs
1) Strength
2) Weakness
3) Paradise
4) Hell

A devotee is one who lives in strength. He who feels heaven

2) Philosophical vision

Beauty is that which brings joy to the soul.

Beauty is what pleases the heart.

Beauty is that which pleases the mind.

1) See the beauty in anything, see the philosophy.

2) Practice the art of living in harmony with nature. Adore nature.

When you wake up in the morning and see the Tulsi plant, you will get the power to truly shine. Spend some time with nature, then you will not be called Narapeeda or Grahapeda.

3) Nature is the direct gateway to God. Practice whatever is good for nature

4) If you know good, put it into practice and you will be truthful.

3) Consciousness

1) Chaitanyam is the path of memory. The art of making good use of everything is called Chaitanyam.

2) What Karma does is death, that is Chaitanyam. Whatever action is practiced is called ignorance, it is consciousness

3) If you clash with yourself, you will sweat.

If you clash with the world, you will get tired.

If you clash with nature, philosophy will come.

Education comes when you fight with your mind.

If you clash with your intellect, Siddhas will come.

If you clash with your will, yogas will come.

Darshan yogas will come if you clash with your ego.

If you clash with your soul, you will become divine.

If you clash with your life, you will become a god.

4) If you have clarity, then you have awareness. Be clear and independent in your words, actions, thoughts and decisions.

5) If you want consciousness, you should get up in the morning and meditate. Nothing can light the flame of consciousness in you except meditation alone.

4) Auspicious
1) Receiving only good from every person is called Shubham. Embrace and settle the good
2) Participate in Sadguru Satsangs. Good is never far from you, and you are never far from good.

There are two philosophies in a person’s philosophy
1) Selfishness
2) Pride

17) Selfishness has 4 legs
1) Always arguing
2) Always pretending
3) Always lying
4) Always cheating

18) Pride has 4 legs
1) Business
2) Family
3) Politics
4) Worldly pleasure

19) Don’t be a person, be a devotee

20) Qualities of a devotee
1) Humanity
2) Equality
3) Consistency
4) Balance
5) Diligent

21) Sukti of four Vedas
1) You light up the world
2) Be practiced by the world you practice
3) Live by the world in which you live
4) Be driven away by the world you live in

22) Bhakti, qualities of love

1) Faith
2) Sacrifice

23) What brings you closer to God is the sacrifice

Faith is what brings God to you

Whatever lights you up as God is love

24) 3 qualities of a person
1) Argument
2) Counterattack
3) Violence

25) Defeat the person in you, win the devotee

1) Lust
2) Anger
3) Greed
4) Infatuation
5) Religion
6) Envy

1) Lust

Lust is the power to attract, the power to conquer, and the power to establish peace.

Lust is transformed into holiness.

If lust is high, diseases related to Jatharagni will occur.

To conquer lust, one should take more teeth. Drink more liquids.

Breathe in deeply and exhale deeply.

Kamandha is a devotee who is beyond lust.

2) Anger

Anger causes nerve weakness and nervous system-related diseases.

Anger is human nature. They are the person who gets angry. He who does not get angry is a devotee.

If you conquer anger, you will become patient.

Chew food well.

The breath should be held for a long time i.e. 24 seconds.

3) Greed

Gluttony causes diseases related to the lungs and heart.

He who is charitable is a devotee, and he who is greedy is a person.

In order to overcome greed, the breath should be taken in deeply. Inhale for 6 seconds to 9 seconds.

Sadguru Prasad should be taken at least once a week.

4) Infatuation

People who have a lot of passion get insomnia, bad dreams, and problems related to the eyes and spine.

Sevaguna arises when passion is conquered.

If you want to reduce lust, you need to fill it. Do not inhale for 12 seconds after exhaling.

Panchamrits should be consumed more.

5) Religion

Diseases like BP, sugar, ulcers, and piles come with religion.

The meditative quality increases for those who conquer religion.

One who meditates is a devotee, one who does not meditate is a person

To conquer Madana, one should consume more vegetables, greens, and fruit juices.

Hold for 12 seconds while inhaling.


6) Envy

People with diarrhea get backache, joint pains, and skin diseases.

Those who overcome greed are satisfied.

The breath should be hollowed and voided i.e. note the empty nostrils.

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