{xtypo_rounded3}Our Regular Programmes for the World Welfare{/xtypo_rounded3}

  • Sadhguru darshan & solution for all problems
  • ‘Sadhguru Divya Satsang’ (divine communion with sadhguru) on Thursday and Full Moon day of every month, followed by prasadam & supper
  • On 2nd Saturday of every month, the ‘New Life Foundation Workshop’ on various spiritual topics
  • ‘Personality Development’ classes for the students & the youth on the 3rd Sunday of every month
  • ‘ICP Workshops’ are conducted in the Educational Institutions & Corporate Sectors
  • ‘Aumaujaya Dhyana Chaitanya Vihara Yatra’ in the lap of Nature with Sadhguru once in three months
  • ‘Atma Chaitanya Dhyana Satsang’ (meditation for the explosion of soul consciousness) is organized by Aumaujaya Devotees at different places in India & abroad
  • ‘Arogya Sanjeevini Dheekshalu’ (Initiation for Health) for holistic health
  • ‘Aishwarya Dheekshalu’ (Initiation for Wealth) for all kinds of riches
  • ‘Chaitanya Dheekshalu’ (Initiation for soul consciousness & grace) and ‘Jeevitamruta Dheeksha’ (Initiation for Enlightenment) for all kinds of physical & spiritual fulfillment
  • ‘Parardhomaujaya Dheekshalu’ (Aumaujaya Sanyasin Initiation) for those who would like to sacrifice their lives for the world’s welfare
  • All kinds of physical, mental, and spiritual illnesses are cured through healing therapy
  • Aumaujaya Adisahasra Parisamstan conducts ‘Free Medical Camps’ as a part and parcel of social service
  • Aumaujaya Adisahasra Parisamstan offers a ‘Merit Scholarship’ for poor students who excel in studies
  • ‘Mudra Meditation’ classes are conducted for the students in schools & colleges by Aumaujaya devotees and Aumaujaya sannyasins
  • Food grains, fruits, and clothes are distributed to the old age homes & orphanages by Aumaujaya Adisahasra Parisamstan
  • AUYSA has been established by Jaimahavibhoshri to mould the youth as ideal human beings. Social service activities & environmental protection programmes are organised by AUYSA
  • ‘Aumaujaya Adhyatmika Vilasam’, a monthly magazine is distributed free for spreading the message of Sadhguru to all the people
  • ‘Sarvadhosa Nivarana Yagnams’ (Yagnams for nullifying all the effects of negative energy) are conducted for the welfare of the universe, humanity, Nature, soul, and world peace
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