There is no weakness in the blood of the Indians


The nature of the Indians is not to surrender for trivial problems. Indians have a nature to see any trouble, loss, and all the small problems as very small. Even if great natural calamities come, they will see them as small. The capacity of our Bhishmaachaarya is adorable. Even he saw the death as very small when it came in front of him. That kind of blood is flowing within Indians. We even see death as small. If there is a need, then we also make God small. Let me say that also. The people whom we called as Gods. The people whom we worshipped as God. Whom we say is God. There are so many situations that made them small. Dharma is the greatest. Even God is not greater in front of Dharma. There are days when Bhishmachaarya condemned that he will not go against Dharma. You know how nicely Goddess Ganga told him. The goddess whom you go and worship, the goddess who purifies all, the goddess who cleans all our sins. The goddess who gives good health to all. The goddess who gives peace to all of us. We use to worship her.

Do you know what goddess Ganga told Bhishma? You will get surprised. She told him that whatever the decision you have taken for not getting married is not the correct decision. As a mother, I am saying that you have to give birth to brood, you should have children, and you have to get married. Your brood should come at any cost. The brood of such a great personality should not stop here only. Bhishma is a great hero, a great worrier, and a brave man, a conscious person, an intelligent person, a religious person, a truthful person, and edified person. He is a great person who knows many arts. Such a great person’s family should not stop here only. Bishmaa, your brood also should come, you have to get married at any cost. I am not ordering you as a mother, but I am ordering you as a goddess Ganga. You know what he replied, Oh mother you can be my mother and father, you can also be a Goddess, but you are small in front of Dharma, you are small in front of truth. I will listen If you tell me about the Dharma, the truth, about the law, or the ethics. I will listen if you say a few words about honesty. I will listen if you try to protect humanity but I will not listen to anyone who says to do something which is not Dharma. Not only your order but even if my Guru Parashurama says to do so. Even if the great Maharshi Parashurama comes and says to do so, I will not listen. Parashurama is his Guru. Really, strange behavior of our Rushis.

We say that the Rushi should not have anger, but if you see Parashurama, you will shiver like anything. He is such a dangerous person. If you see him, he appears as Rushi. He used to put Vibhudi on his forehead, with long hair, and with the attire of Rushi. He used to roam with an axe. He has the credit of defeating even great armies. There is no weakness in the blood of the Indians, there is no fear, you have to remember that. There are no defects, no flaws, no misfortune, no dangers, and no sins.

What is happening is due to fraud, machination, seducing mind, intellect, and heart, and injecting unnecessary egos by society. They are contaminating our souls, transferring us from here to there. Why you are not thinking about such organizations and society which are playing with you by making you a toy? You have great intelligence, arouse it. Why, because the blood of Bhishmachaarya is flowing in us, as we are the same family. We also have the same edification and heroism. We have the same daring and dashing nature.

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