This Poornima Satsang is a program that tells how to own God and how to own God.

Through this Satsang, you can know the difference between material life and spiritual life, between the love of man and love of God, between the love of the world and love of nature, and between loving yourself and giving love to the whole world.

Hanuman Sayings-

1) Swami’s goal is achieved only when the goal is fulfilled.
2) Swami’s goals will be fulfilled only when the work of the Lord is successful.
3) To conquer the Lord is not to conquer oneself.
4) To save the Lord is to save oneself.

The art of owning God is in the heart. Trust the heart, don’t trust the mind.

He who trusts the mind becomes a slave to illusion.

He who trusts the heart becomes the ruler of the soul.

One who believes in the Atman becomes the servant of the Supreme Soul.

One who believes in Paramatma will surely shine as God.

Mind means hands of illusion.

Atma means hands of God.

Courage means embracing heaven and rejecting hell.

When you believe in courage and live, there will be no place for sorrow in your life.

Take refuge in courage and success will take refuge in you.

Whoever is brave is a devotee. A coward cannot find God.

If courage is in you, devotion will blossom in you.

If courage is not in you, devotion will wane in you.

Interest in devotion is what life needs.

All the world wants is an interest in money.

Trying is called “Courage”.

When you have courage, your spirit becomes powerful.

When you have fear, your mind becomes powerful.

If you believe in hard work, courage will settle in you.

If you believe in courage, devotion will settle in you.

When you believe in Bhakti, God settles in you.

When you believe in God, you will prosper as Aumaujayaa.

If courage shines in you, you will have the power to dispel all darkness.

Physical life has 4 legs. They are-

1) Objective
2) Path
3) Win
4) Being saved

Be faithful to those who believe in you, to those who love you, to those who seek your good.

If you remember a man, you will become sick.

If you remember the world, you will become a monster.

If you remember yourself, you will become self-aware.

If you are reliable, responsible, and responsible, courage will stand for you.

Owning a person will fulfill your wishes.

If you own yourself, God will own you.

Those who are sincere will become the heart of God.

Bhakti is the art of living by feeling the love of God.

Bhakti is the art of experiencing the senses of God.

Bhakti is the flame that burns in you as you live.

You have courage, honesty, and trustworthiness.

When the intellect blossoms to its peak and becomes a perfume, it is called “sraddha”.

When the mind blossoms to its peak and becomes a perfume, it is called “Sharanagati”.

When Chitta blooms to its peak and becomes perfume, it is called “gratitude”.

When pride blossoms into a culmination and becomes perfume, it is called “sacrifice”.

When attention, surrender, gratitude, and sacrifice are established in our life, then we become God.

Bhakta means one who is attentive, surrendered, grateful, and selfless.

True devotees are those who continuously engage in the five practices of service, charity, meditation, satsang, and preaching.


Whatever increases your power is called Smriti.

Keep the location of the dot in the path of memory at all times.

Bindu is replaced by Bindu Naad who conquers destiny.

What you hold onto is what you become.

What you remember is what you become.

You are your memory!

There are 4 types of Smritis in spiritual.

1) Hrim
2) Shri
3) Hraim
4) Om


Remembrance means that which increases your capacity is called “Remembrance”.

Srim Smriti is called Smaran.

One should remember form and name in the mind.

Remembrance means keeping both eyes still.

Look at Sadhguru’s form without moving your eyes. Surely you will get the realization of Bhagavat.


Whatever gives you guidance and clarity is called Japam.

Sadguru will give you mudra, bijaksharam and mala.

Japa is what produces Soma Rasa.

By chanting you will be liberated from the cycle of birth, death, and everything.

What is true chanting? Remembering your thumbs!

To win in the world remember the toes.

Thumbs of fingers should be remembered for spiritual development.

If you remember these four things simultaneously, you will produce ginseng juice.


Whatever produces what you want is called ‘Bhajan’.

Bhajan means praising God.

When starting work, one should start by praising God.

Start your daily routine by praising God.

End the daily routine by praising God. Then God accepts the good and bad of your life.

If you praise God, the evil, Maya, and karma on this earth will be weakened.

Death is weakened by praising God.

Bhajan is the process of weakening death and attaining amrita.

Living towards God is called ‘Seva’.

Living directly to God is called “Danam”.

Living in relation to God is called ‘Dhyanam’.

Living in union with God is called ‘Satsang’.

Living by feeling God is called “Satpracharam”.

“Aumaujayaa:” means may the orthodox Hindu Dharma be victorious to Mother Bharata.

“Aumaujayaa:” means you will be owned by the Supreme, and the Supreme will be owned by you.

Whatever happens in the spiritual path, do not leave the hand of the Supreme.

If you want to progress and succeed, have courage.

With courage, you shine as a perfect human being.

With attention, you will shine as Parabrahma.

Every moment keep chanting the sound “Aumaujayaa:”. Whatever you want, whatever helplessness you have, whatever desire you have, whatever opportunity you want, whatever you want in life, remember the name “Aumaujayaa:” it will come true.

All the deities, Gurukoti, Rishikoti, Maharshikoti, Munikoti, Yogulakoti, Tapokoti, all the universe of Hinduism, bring their blessings in one sound ‘AUMAUJAYAA’ to bring you the grace, protection, and boon of all the Hindu Dharma. This Purnima Satsang is the process of offering.

No matter where you are or how you are, remember the sound ‘Aumaujayaa’. The whole world of Yantra, Mantra, Tantras and Shastra Yogic language will bless you, give you consciousness, and give you protection. Will surely bless you and bless you and shine you as God.

Go around remembering the sound ‘Aumaujayaa’ and it will give you courage. “Aumaujayaa:” has the power to make you feel heavenly in these worlds, to enrich you in every way, to integrate you, to bless mankind, to illuminate you as God, and to illuminate you as Parabrahma.

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