{xtypo_rounded3} Thursday Satsung {/xtypo_rounded3}

This Satsang (Program) is conducted at the Hyderabad center by beloved Master Jaimahavibhoshri on every Thursday evening from 6.30 pm to 8.20 pm.  Discourse and different kinds of meditations are taught to enlighten people.

People come from long distances to attend this Satsang and get the blessings of their beloved Master. Afterward, devotees share their unique and great experiences of Aumaujaya Miracles with each and every one.

 Dinner and Prashad distribution will be there for all the devotees.

 What is Satsang?

 MahavibhoSatsang means to get oneself, Sat means the truth, and Sanga means communion with originality. Satsang means communion with the originality being original and being truthful with oneself, so those who what the truth and those what to know the truth and those who what to experience the truth, those who what to realize the truth, those who always longing to be the presence of the truth must come to the master, the master is the only source of the existence to know the truth, there is no other source at all Only the master is the greatest device to realize oneself as he is the original. So that’s why in the spiritual field the Satsang is a center point without Satsang there is no spirituality at all. The whole journey of life will start with Satsang only, so when you want to know the truth, the guru is the source for that and the guru is a device for that. He is the only guidance for you. The guru is the only enlightened path for our life.  Nobody teaches to us what originality is and what the truth on the globe is. Only the Guru teaches you. Only the guru guides you, only the Guru enlightens you. Only the guru is the basic path of life. He is the life. In Satsang, you will come to the understanding that the truth is nothing but life. Life is nothing but the Guru. So the truth starts with the Guru. The guru starts with the satsang. So when you attend the Satsang, you will be starting the journey to the truth in the presence of the master to realize oneself that you are the originally the godliness, you are the originally the consciousness, you are the originally the bliss. So this is the main purpose to attend the Satsang. But nowadays what is happening in the world is that people think that the Satsang means having the presence of the master for the blessing, for the fulfillment of the desire, needs, goals, etc. But that is the secondary matter. Actually, we have to go to the Satsang only for 3 purposes.

  1. To start a truthful life
  2. To get the realization of it
  3. To experience and to have complete wisdom about ourselves

So we don’t know what are and why we and how we are where we are etc. All these things we don’t know at all. We are totally living like an orphan, being parents also we are living like orphans because we don’t know ourselves. Parents have given some name and they have given certain kind of form and they have given certain kind of education, they have given certain kind of livelihood purpose the profession. Whatever they have given does not belong to us at all. That which cannot give us any indication about what we and how are and what is our originality, personality,  character, and individuality. They never teach us what is the original life to us. They teach us just what the world is. They never teach what we are. So the master is the only true education, he is the only self-education because he knows very well what are and what we are not. So when you want to know the self and the soul you must come for the Satsang. In the Satsang definitely, you will come to know the truth of life and you will come to know the consciousness of life, you will come to know the bliss of life, you will come to know the meaning of life, you will come to know the perfection of the life and you will come to know many things of your self. Mater never teaches about the scripture, he never teaches about religion, he never teaches about conversion and diversion, and any kind of hypnotic processes. He teaches awareness to you. Awareness about oneself, awareness about the This is a video of a child celebrity singing”With You” by the artist Chris Brown. existence, and awareness about the universe. Awareness about the inside life, not the outside life. So whatever you are living in the outer world is just for livelihood. Whatever you are living inside is just for you only. So Master is only for you and your life, so the master’s subject is your life, and the master’s object is you only.

MahavibhoSo enlightening you and master enlightening your life. Enlightening your life master enlightens you. This is the process of the Satsang. So now whatever you want to know about you. You Must come for the Satsung and attend it once and see the reality of life and the truth of life. And the originality with life. Because we don’t know what originally we are but we know what personally we are. So the personal life always gives the world the original life always gives the universe. So leaving for the world means having limitations in oneself and living that limitations in the entire journey but that is not the purpose of life that never fulfills the purpose of life having originality means having the universe’s unlimited journey and totally it gives an idea of how to enlighten yourself and how to live originality and how to live your natural and how to live your consciousness and how to live your basic reality of the life, so that’s why in Satsang definitely you will be enlightened yourself the Satsang definitely you will realize yourself. In Satsang, you will definitely know what you are not. In Satsang, you will understand what you are and what you are not. So you will get the meaning of life in the Satsang. You will get the true taste of life in the Satsang. On the other whatever the world is giving life to you is nothing but it is giving its taste only, so whatever you are enjoying and experiencing in the world is only not you. You don’t do it yourself. But in the Satsung you will definitely you will come to know what are you and how to enjoy your life. Whatever is happening in the presence of the master you are simply enjoying yourself, simply you are entertaining yourself, simply you are rejoicing yourself, it is a joy with oneself not more than that. So whenever you want to know the truth, you simply come for the Satsang.

When you come into the presence of the master that moment automatically you will get the connection with the universe. And will get communion with nature, so that automatically you will connect with our originality. So our mind and body and soul will get the right communion to get the order of life. So nothing will be impossible in the presence of the master. Everything is possible in the presence of the master. Whatever you think will feel and trust will happen automatically in the presence of the master we need the blessings of the master. Without the blessing of the master our life will never be flowered, our life will never be enlightened, and our life never is lived.  It is not possible to live life without a master to live the life. So living with life’s means and having a master’s is the real meaning of life. Those who want to live their life have to come into the presence of the master. Only the presence of the master gives life to the soul just like the sun gives life to the earth, the same way the presence of the master will give life to the seed of the soul. So without that, it is not possible at all. That’s why every human being has to learn how to get communion with the master and should have the right relationship with him and start a new journey towards oneself and they should find a new path to get enlightenment in this life only. Every human birth’s purpose is to get enlightenment. Every human being has come to the globe for only one reason which is just to enlighten.  

MahavibhoThere are four stages in the world to live the original life as a human being. The first stage is the stage of doing, the second stage is the stage of thinking, the third stage is the stage of feeling and the fourth stage is the stage of being. These four stages must be fulfilled by the human being. Without fulfilling these four stages they will never realize what human life is and what is this world. It is impossible for you. So the first to realize what to do what to think and what to feel and what to be being, you must come to the master. Without a master, you will never know what to do with your body and what to think with your mind and what to feel with the heart, and how to be with the soul. It is impossible. Because whatever people give to life, they will give only what they earn and what they gather information from the world itself.

That is only accumulating knowledge, that is not activated wisdom, so we have to understand that the world never gives the way to us what to do with the body. Whatever the world gives the direction to the body is only how to eat and how to drink and how to sleep and how to enjoy. How to enjoy objects only but this world will never teach how to enjoy the subject. Here in Satsang, we are going to know the truth of life, we will know here how to enjoy the body, how to enjoy the mind, how to enjoy the heart, and how to enjoy the soul. When we know these four things then we will know life automatically. In the presence of the master in Satsang actually, we will come to know the originality of these four levels. The Body, Mind, Heart, and the Soul. So once you know how to enjoy the body then you will know how to live. When you know how to enjoy the mind then you will know how to think. When you know how to enjoy the heart then you will know how to feel the heart. When you know how to enjoy the soul then you will know how to be with your know originality. So that’s why when you know all these four things when you come to the master and get the Satsang. Just the presence of the master is enough, no need to discuss, no need to question, no need to listen to something, and no need to even talk about something. No need to do anything in the presence of the master. Just sit silently by doing nothing, just feel the presence of the master you will be enlightened. No need to understand the master, because to understand the master is impossible. Master is beyond understanding, he is not for the body, he is not for the mind, he is not for the heart and he is not for the soul. He is just for the life. Life is eternity, the soul is also not eternity. The heart is not eternity and the mind is not eternity and the body is not eternity. But life is definitely only for eternity. So we have been born here just for eternal life. That eternal life will be realized in the presence of the master. Having the Satsang with him every movement in our every step of life. So that’s why every human being must come and attend the Satsang. Having the original and eternal life here and now. To be aware of the master is to be enlightened oneself.

Satsang means having communion with originality where one can stand on their own feet to see their face as they are the enlightened one. 


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