Gurusati Swamy Devi! Pareshanthu Kadachana.
Upadesannakuryaddhi Tada Chedrakshaso Bhavet ॥
Guru Gita Chapter 2, Shloka 138

Panchakoshala 5 viz
1) Anandamaya Kosha
2) Manomayakosha
3) Pranamaya kosha
4) Vignanmaya Kosha
5) Annamayakosam

1) Annamayakosha

If Nnamayakosha is impure then life is eating, drinking, and sleeping.
If the manomaya kosha is impure, they have a lot of infatuation towards fame, money, power, women, men, and worldly things.
An impure mind is more attached to things.

Manomayakosha means things that affect the mind.
Anandamaya Kosha means things that affect age, longevity, and health.
Pranamaya kosha means emotions, thoughts, desires, qualities, attributes, ethics, honesty, and truth that influence things.

Spiritual progress is impossible for those whose Pranamayakosha is impure.
If the knowledge base is impure then a person has proper thoughts about it
Can’t be, can’t take decisions, can’t have the right attitude, hates man, society, and God.

Anandamaya Kosha Happiness comes naturally. Happiness is not something you can buy.
No matter what you do with the body, eventually, there will be a pain.

No matter what you do with the mind, only pain remains.
No matter what you do with your heart, only fear will remain in the end.
No matter what you do with the world, you end up with helplessness.

Your body will end up with the disease.
Your mind will end up in pain.
Your heart will run out of fear.
Your world will end in despair.
Your nature will end in deprivation.
Your life will end in loneliness.
Your time will end in nothingness.
Your all will end in change.

If your words are pure, the bread will be pure.

You are a person
1) Do not torture
2) Do not lie
3) Do not mislead
4) You establish peace in a person.

Annamayakosha is purified if Guru is in command.

Don’t have a man in your mind. You should have two things in mind.
1) Your goal
2) God

Manomaya Kosha
In order to keep the soul pure, one must serve. Service means declaring your devotion, faith and love to God.

By doing service the mind is purified.

Your mind is to do justice to the world.
Your body is meant to do justice to nature.
Your heart is to do justice to the man.
Your soul is to do justice to God.
Your life is meant to do justice to Parabrahma Tattva.
You are there to do justice to yourself.

Remember Guru’s name and your mind will be purified.

Donations should be done to purify the Pranamaya Kosha.
The sacrifice of labor is called charity.
Your life will be satisfied with Gurudarshan.
If you donate, you will be protected from three things.
1) Man
2) The world
3) Nature

In order to purify the body of knowledge, one must participate in Satsang.
If the sheath of knowledge is purified, you will light up and light up others.
Swadhyam and Guru Satsang are one and the same.

Meditation should be done to purify the Anandamaya Kosha.
Meditation and participating in world welfare will purify the Anandamayakosha.
A competent person has no religion.
A mighty man has no pride.

Love bloomed on this earth from our smile, from our beauty ` Jaimahavibhosri

Annamayakosha is purified when one trusts the Guru.
If one surrender to the Guru, the storehouse of knowledge is purified.

Pranamayakosha is purified if Guru has love for him.
Anandamaya Kosha is purified if one is grateful to the Guru.

If you remember yourself and witness the world, you will surely experience Guru Swasvarupa Parabrahma Satchidananda.

If you remember the world and observe yourself, you will feel the duality of all illusions in this world.
If you remember yourself and observe the world, you will feel oneness.

“Live in Guru’s order, become Guru’s image” is the essence of this hymn.

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