Guru Gita Chapter 2 Verse 126
Gururupa is the path of our purification
Anityam Khandayet Sarvam Yatkyanchitya Atmagocharam

The subtle world is experienced when a disciple who is purified following the path instructed by the Guru faithfully travels his path, rejects what is impermanent, and embraces what is eternal. When the power to see the subtle comes, then the power to see the soul comes. To see the subtle, the mind must be pure. When the eternal is in the mind, the soul is seen. When the eternal is in the mind, the world is seen. If Sadguru is in your mind, you will see the soul. If the world is in your mind, you will see this illusory world.

Swasvarupa darvana needs Guru’s eyes.
The eyes of the body are sufficient for this worldview.

If you don’t get good culture from your mother, you will be defeated by the world.

If you do not receive good culture from the Father, you will lose the power to conquer the smell of this world.

Life is based on 2 Dharmas
1) Trust ethics
2) Scientific ethics

Faith worships the individual.
Science teaches truth.

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