Good feet are the ones that prevent sin. Various types of sinful touch, sinful vision, sinful hearing, sinful speech, and sinful deeds. Sadguru padukas protect from the influence of sinful movements, the environment of sin, and the conduct of the sinful world.

There is as much intellectual wealth as there is in the head in the foot, as much wealth of consciousness as there is a wealth of knowledge

The wealth of beauty, the wealth of education, the wealth of love, the infinite wealth of God’s grace is in this head, the empire of God is at the feet.

Sadguru padukas grant liberation from hell.

Those who sweat will be blessed by Bhudevi.

Those who do not sweat will be blessed by Yama.

Don’t forget your position
Don’t forget your place
Don’t forget your level
Don’t forget your past
Don’t forget your address

Never forget where you started. The beginning is the only truth. The destination is the only truth and everything in between is false. Everything in between is subject to change, so don’t bond with them.

If your eyes show peace, love, contentment, and sincerity, Sadhguru will reside in you.

The wisdom of the Guru enters while listening.

Sadhguru’s consciousness enters in during darshan.

Sadguru’s love enters when one is in the presence of Sadguru.

As you breathe with the Sadguru, His ocean of compassion enters you.
Being in Sadguru’s environment makes you holy.

For a while when you become one with the Sadguru, and become absorbed and united, you will attain the state of jivanmukta by attaining the state of sachidanam and sometimes the unity of Parabrahm. This is called Sadguru Satsang.

When Sadguru visits the Padukas, one gets salvation from all karmas, all sins, birth defects, all samsara cycles, and this vicious world. Peace be upon you.

When you see the form of Sadhguru, you conquer this world

If you see sadhguru’s feet, you will go out of this world
Sadguru’s feet are the gates of salvation.

Sadhguru has to appear to get salvation.

Sadhguru’s Paduka Darshan is the foundation of all human beings to get rid of this material world.

Bhagavat Ayykate Sadguru Paduka darshan

If the soul is united, then the form of Sadhguru will appear

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