Kuryadushpanam Parispanam at Gurorashram.
Dikshavyakhaprabhutvadi gururajnam na karayet ॥
Guru Gita Chapter 2, Shloka 139

Meaning “Knowingly or unknowingly, outside or inside the Ashram, under any circumstances, activities contrary to Guru Shashana, i.e. drinking stones, smoking, smoking cigarettes and consuming intoxicating drinks, stealing, adultery, lying, etc., should not be done under any circumstances. A person who does so will be a transgressor of the Guru’s edict. There is no atonement for such a sin.

Anything that worries us is sin
Anything that makes us sad is sin.

Worldly Shatkarmas 6 These should not be done under any circumstances.
1) Irresponsible Relationships (Improper Relationships)
Irresponsible relationships should not be entered into.
Be careful. Being intimate means saving good memories. Choose only good memories throughout the day.
The state of experiencing karmas without responsibility is called hell.

Your mind works through six methods.
1) Creating
2) Producing
3) Changing
4) Preparation
5) Adaptation
6) Contortion

Your body should be used for these six.
1) Use your body for energy production. This will bring money.
2) Use your body for efficient production. This will bring people.
3) Use your body to produce talent. This leads to a good career.
4) Use your body to produce art. This will bring good reputation.
5) Use your body for the production of Tattva. Due to this, you will shine as the conqueror of nature and the conqueror of the world.
6) Use your body for the production of yoga and darshan. By this you conquer Maya and reach God.
If you have irresponsible relationships, you will not develop your soul.
If a man is honest, he can bear any pressure. Without honesty, pressure cannot be overcome.

Family teaches morals.
Relatives teach justice.
Friends teach the truth.
Society teaches virtue.
Nature teaches honesty.
God teaches self-consciousness.

A woman has the power to destroy the world.
Purusha has the power to destroy the spiritual.

As human values ​​decrease, man becomes distant from soul, nature, and God. Belongs to a thing, to a thing.

Decide what you think.
Whatever decision you make should be able to speak.
You should be able to do whatever you talk about.
Whatever you do, you should be able to experience it.
You should be able to live whatever you experience.
You should be able to bear what you live.
You should be able to pass on whatever you have to future generations. To be an example, a guide
should be
All desires without responsibility are like weeds.

2) Playing a lie
You can lie in four things.
1) When you hurt a person when you are hurt by a person
2) If you harmed by them if you are harmed by them
3) Can lie when in trouble
4) In financial affairs

If you miss Gurushasana once, your mind will perish. All the life you have lived in violation of the Guru’s edict is in vain. The entire life you live by following the Guru’s instructions becomes Paramartha, your life becomes Paramartha and it becomes Tapashakti, Yogashakti, and Atmashakti. Your vitality depends on whether you live as waste energy or as soul energy. You always remember the Supreme! Remember that there is a God who gives results to your every action!

3) Stealing
Even if you are not worthy, trying to get the status, level, position, position, value, respect, and priority that a worthy person gets is called stealing. When you steal, you have to live in fear. From your difficulty to your life, even the birthday Lord bows his head before you and proudly submits everything to you.

4) Drinking alcohol. Consuming intoxicating drinks, eating non-vegetarian food, gambling, all of the above damage mental strength, mental strength, and soul strength.
5) Torture
There is nothing wrong in torturing a person for mental development, for mental development, or intellectual development, but do not torture a person on purpose, do not insult, accuse, or mislead, do not say bad things, do not hurt their mind, heart, and soul. Don’t hurt them enough to remember.
The ego is strengthened when it opposes the spirit.
Fun is the indulgence of irresponsible thoughts.

1) When you wake up in the morning, look at your face in the mirror and smile. By doing this, the mind develops. Self-confidence and self-esteem increase. This is called “Yogakriya”.
2) After that drink half a liter of fresh water in a copper cup. This leads to the development of the mind. This is called “Yoga Shudhikriya”.
3) Then rub the hands vigorously. First, touch the tips of the fingers and place the Namaskara mudra in front of the navel and rub it till it gets very hot. This leads to mental development. This is called “Tapokriya”.
4) Put weight on the ankle and stand up and walk east-west for 5 minutes. This will increase digestion. This is called “meditation”.

5) Then take blessings from loved ones. Talk to them for 2 minutes. This leads to heart development. This is called “Bhakti Yoga”.
6) First wash the ears with your fingers. If washed in this way poverty, suffering, aristas, gandas, sins, and sufferings will be destroyed. This is called “Jnanyoga”.

Cleaning the ears will lead to self-development. Love your soul and yourself more. To feel God love yourself more. Live with your soul. Whatever makes you worthy of Guruprema, try to give yourself that love. Whatever unites you with the Guru, try to lead yourself in such a service. When you consume yourself more, love yourself more, and feel yourself more, God’s love, His grace, His nectar, His consciousness, and His light flow into you. Then you will be united in Paramatma and shine as Parabrahma Swaswarup.

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