In this Guru Bodha, Paramashiv gives his wife Parvati a sense of the transcendental Guru Tattva, the world of knowledge, the world of love, what we should do and what we should not do, and how to acquire the Guru in a wonderful way.

Kuryadgurupadarchanam is the visual amnesia
Cha Tadvyatirekina on Tadhuryasyaiva Kaivalyam:
-Sloka 135, Chapter 2, Sriguru Geeta

A devotee who concentrates on the words of his ideal son Sri Sadhguru forgets the entire cycle of birth and death in public and inwardly, transcends physical senses to karmandriyas and senses, and completely forgets the worldly consciousness, and attains enlightenment in the state of feeling the self-realized spirit of Sadhguru. Those who practice Bhakti in such a way that they do not perceive other things, are naturally eligible for salvation and reach the state of Parabrahma.

Spirituality teaches how to become a Madhava. Technology refers to how a material can be brought into human use.

Spirituality is what man needs.
What the world needs is technology.

Spirituality teaches you self-discipline, heart discipline, social discipline, mental discipline, your rights, your scope, your own infinite comfort, and convenience.
Where you should be free, where you should be moderate, where you should be modest, where you should be yourself, what things should be secret, what things should be disclosed, how you would be healthy, how you would be sick, your money, your soul, your mind. , words, hands, to the identity of your name, to the path of your memory, to your intellect, to purify and purify your mind and pride, to guide you and put you on the right path and reach your destination Aura! Feels spiritual.

Parents should impose 4 types of punishments on children.
1) Wave penalty
2) Punishment of silence
3) Divine Punishment
4) Telling the children’s mistakes in front of the father.

Never hit or scold children.

Parents should remember the nature and nature of children.

Sick people cannot think.
Victims cannot decide.
Those who are conflicted cannot go to the good ones.
They cannot do good to those who are under pressure, nor will they accept the good of others.

Stress is poison to the mind.
Conflict is poison to the will.
Illness is poison to the mind.
Violence is poison to pride.

Violence is of two types.
1) Financially
2) Divinely
Do not allow these two tortures.

If you have contentment within you even if you don’t have money, you can live more happily than those who have money.
If you have peace within you, even if you don’t have money, you can live more happily than those who have money.
If you don’t have money but love is inside you, you can live more happily than those who have money.

We can be very comfortable with ourselves in a way that no rich person can be.

If you stay away from money, you will become worldly poor.
If you are far from God, you will become poor in life.

If you are worldly poor, you can get rid of it by working hard.
If you are poor in life, you can remove it by participating in Sadguru Satsang.

Just as hard work washes away poverty, gives you wealth, and makes you rich, similarly, Satsang cleanses your life of conflict, stress, violence, lies, illnesses, illusions, dramas, and stories fill your mind with purity and gives you the power to think, the power to make decisions, the power to choose. , brings forth the power to carry forward, the wealth of great courage and wisdom.

Labor gives clarity in the matter of money.
Satsang gives clarity about life.

One material, fame, power, money, education, one thing is for sacrifice. People, goodness, humanity, values, your life, and God are not for sacrifice. By living these things, we can shine a light and light up the world.

Don’t pressure children. Don’t clash. Don’t torture. Don’t get sick. Do not leave them fear, pain, and worry because of you. If they are left with fear, pain, and worry because of you, then your life is in vain!

Children should have faith, respect, and value for their parents. I should feel proud whenever I see you.

Money teaches caution.
God teaches awareness.

Wealth, prosperity, and success are with those who succeed.
God is with those who practice sacrifice and yoga.

Yoga means practice.
Sacrifice means living.

Once the breath leaves you, your life has no value. Similarly, if God leaves you, your life will have no value.

A person separated from God has the same value as a dead body.

Parents should train and not punish children.

There is no nectar in this universe better than mother’s love.
There is no shield in this universe beyond the love of the father.

Bhakti has two principles namely-
1) Practice
2) Living

Prakhyam means making sure that there are no interruptions, obstacles, hindrances, or delays in going to the Guru.

Just as a baby in the mother’s womb does not see any other world, so when you travel with the Guru, do not see the world other than the Guru. Only then will you grow abundantly, bloom comprehensively, and attain salvation.

To curse a person is to increase our antipathy toward that person!
To hit a person is to do them wrong!

If you curse, the mind will not listen.
If you knock it, the mind will not listen.
Pride will not listen if you say it without counting.
If it is divided, the heart will not listen.

Being united with the Guru, without any difference between you and the Guru, without any difference between you and the Guru, you become reciprocated with a sense of unconditional devotion, and in that love, you recognize your own self, and as the Guru feels the true beauty of Shiva in that yogic vision, in the same way, you also feel it, in the vision between the two of you, in the consciousness of knowledge, In love, when you are established in a state of non-difference, you attain salvation.
A true Guru is one who practices goodness, humanity, values, ​​and truth with you.

The more you love a man, the weaker you become. Fear grows in you.

Adopt these two principles
1) Industriousness
2) Guru Bhakti

Are you a devotee of hard work? Win the world!
Are you a devotee of Guru? Win yourself!

If you are defeated by effort, you will become unintelligent.
If you fail at responsibility, you become a slave.

To conquer the world
1) Don’t forget the effort
2) Don’t forget the responsibility

To win the spiritual
1) Serve
2) Donate

When you remember the Guru you attain salvation.
When you remember the world, everything is attainable.

When you are one with the Guru you shine as a conqueror of the world.
When you are in communion with the Guru, you shine as Sakshat Parabrahma.

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