Swayambhu: Adi Parabrahma Jaimahavibhosri: They explained the philosophy of Bhakti in the Thursday Satsang held at Parisamsthan, Shantivilla Colony, Vampuguda on 20th November. Some important aspects of that Satsang.
Slokam :-Sakalabhuvana Rangasthapana Stambhayasti: Sakarunarasavrishitattvtamalavrishti:
Sakal Samayasrishti: Satchidananda Drishti: Nivasatumahi Nityam Sri Guru: Divya Drishti:
Satturu God’s divine vision is like the foundation of the Maharana place, the foundation of all the worlds for the construction of a dance hall, or the world as the stick of the colored stone.
What is clairvoyance? What is Sadhguru’s clairvoyance? It is known through this hymn.
Whatever the basis of your life is the career
Whatever is the center of your breath is your center
Whatever is based on your center is life
What is the basis of your life is the point.
Whatever is based on your point is the root
That which is the basis of your origin is Aadi
Whatever is based on your adi is para
Whatever is the basis of your para is the root
That which is the basis of your origin is the spirit
Twamasi has been taking the journey of man from philosophy to the profession. Tvamasi means sattvasvasvarupa. A career is a life you live now.
If your mother does bad things to you, your mind will be distorted.
If the father does evil to you, your body will be deformed.
If your siblings do bad things to you, your mind will be distorted.
If blood relations and relatives do evil to you, your will be distorted.
If your friends do bad things to you, your pride will be distorted.
If the world treats you badly, your heart will be twisted.
If all this nature is bad for you, your soul will be distorted.
You feel aversion to what is not good for you.
You become interested in what makes you feel good.
You have to win both
1) Man
2) The world
Never miss a win in your life.
Never lose your glory in your life.
Don’t lose sight of what gives value to your life.
Don’t miss an opportunity to value your life.
It is your father who established your body
It is your mother who establishes your mind
It is your friends who establish your pride
Relatives will establish your decision
It is the society that establishes your will
It is the world that establishes your education
Nature establishes your bond
You are the one who establishes your desire
Time establishes your change
It is destiny that establishes your experience
Maya is the foundation of your dreams
Whenever you travel as you are, you will reach your destination. If you want to travel as you are, the destination that is in your breath, the secret that is in your breath must be accessible to you, you must know that means you must sit in front of the Guru. You must walk with the Guru.
Your body believes in weakness.
Your mind believes in hopelessness.
Your heart believes in disease.
Your soul believes in sorrow.
The body has no real meaning until it becomes weak.
The world doesn’t make sense to your mind until you feel helpless.
Your heart doesn’t understand reality until it gets sick.
Your soul will not understand the truth until sorrow comes
Man means nothing until all is gone.
Sacrifice weakness and your body will become stronger.
Sacrifice helplessness and your mind will be strengthened.
Sacrifice disease and your heart will be strengthened.
Sacrifice grief and your soul will be strengthened.
Sacrifice a man and your life will be strengthened.
By sacrificing this world, God becomes strong.
If you conquer all three, your life will be fruitful
1) Raaga
2) Hatred
3) Ignorance
2 Tattvas are the favorite of God
1) Eternal philosophy
2) The philosophy of sacrifice for the eternal
There are 2 types of relationship with God
1) Mother’s love form
The embodiment of motherly love is the union of God in you.
2) Chaitanya is the embodiment of love
The embodiment of Chaitanya Prema means that you become one with God.
Remember the bond with God and remember nothing else. Fill your body, mind, heart, and soul with the bond of the Supreme Soul and you yourself will shine as the Supreme Soul. Spreading the bond of the Supreme in this way is called love.