Guru Gita 2nd chapter 127th verse
Jneyasarvam Pratitancha Jnancha Mana: Vashcate
Jnana Jyneya Sama Kuryat Na Anya: Pashta: Duviak:

January 22nd

There are 9 types of worship on earth. What to worship? What not to worship? Who to worship? Do not worship anyone. Who to respect, who not to respect, who to imitate, who not to imitate, who to associate with, whom not to associate with. This verse clearly explains who to admire, whom not to admire, and what is good and what is bad for our life.

Having doubts means you have a mind
If the question comes, it means that there is intelligence.
Doubt about something means there is a will
Inquisitiveness about anything means pride.
If you want to change, it means you have a heart.
Being interested in new things, and the mystery of life and creation means that there is a soul.

To read Paramatma, read 9. God gave 9 eyes to conquer this world
1) Hunger Unable to bear hunger, Vemana became a yogi
2) Kabir became a Yogi unable to bear Dappika Dappika
3) Lust Unable to bear lust, Krishna became a Yogi
4) Grief Unable to bear grief, Buddha became a Yogi
5) Birth Unable to endure birth, Rama became a Yogi
6) Death Unable to bear death, Jesus became a Yogi
7) Unable to bear the matter, Muhammad became a Yogi
8) Unable to bear feeling, Mahavir became a Yogi
9) Osho became a yogi unable to bear the sacrifice or sacrifice of the world.

The Supreme Being has 3 treasures
1) Heart
2) Spirit
3) Body

3 feet to the world
1) Karta
2) Karma
3) Kriya

The world is understood by habit.
Spirituality is understood through practice.
Break the habit. Come to practice.
Habit is a temporary pleasure. The pleasure of God comes with practice.

Where there is no pride you will receive good fruit.Where there is the pride you will receive bad fruit.

When you work hard, your soul is strengthened.
Your pride is strengthened when you make others work.
Labor is the focus of God. Don’t shy away from hard work.

Eruka if you observe the action
A witness who observes the Lord.
There is no wealth on this earth except the love of God alone.

The whole world depends on 4 states.
1) Age effect
2) Influence of the mind
3) Influence of the person
4) Global influence

If you protect yourself from these, you will be in danger.
Karma has 4 legs.
1) Desire
2) Bond
3) Debt
4) Labour

The final result of the theory of karma is eternal residence on earth.
The end result of Kriya Siddhanta is that some are on earth and some are not on earth.

Choose 2 ways to get out of samsara
1) Accept yourself perfectly
2) Fill yourself with the philosophy of God. You are full of God.

Give ignorance and take knowledge
Give sorrow and take happiness

Keep 2 things fixed in your mind
1) Health
2) Sacrifice

The moment you start living as a witness, that is the moment you directly experience the Supreme.

Fill the Guru in your mind

You have constant sacrifice and steadfast love. Constant sacrifice means never losing faith.
Make sure your faith doesn’t waver.
Live your whole life to earn the Guru’s love and faith. Once you are worthy of Guru’s love and faith, you will surely become free from life.

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