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About Swayambhu Adiparabrahmas Jaimahavibhoshri
Swayambhu Adiparabrahma Paramapoojya Jaimahavibhoshri is Swayambhuvulu, Swayamsidhulu, and Tapodhanulu (born enlightened, self-realized, and self-illuminated presence). Out of love, devotees call Him (poojya Sadhguru Dhevulu) Jaimahavibhoshri (the beloved master).
Poojya Jaimahavibhoshri has started sharing profound spiritual experiences …
{xtypo_rounded4}Aumaujaya Adisahasra Parisamstan (The Celebrating Path of Enlightenment){/xtypo_rounded4}
Aumaujaya Adisahasra Parisamstan, a spiritual organization was established by Swayambhu Adiparabrahma Paramapoojya Jaimahavibhoshri in 2004, in Hyderabad, the capital of Andhra Pradesh. Various social and spiritual programs …
About Aumaujaya Mahadharma
- The dharma that exists for the welfare of the whole universe, humanity, Nature, soul, and world peace is Aumaujaya Mahadharma.
- The dharma that becomes a light unto all by being a light unto itself is called
{xtypo_rounded3}About Sadhguru & Sadhgurutatwam (Sadhguruhood){/xtypo_rounded3}
- Sadhguru means the presence of pure and enlightened consciousness.
- Sadhguru is the mother of knowledge.
- He is the Sadhguru whose love makes us shine as divine beings.
- The one who experiences the
{xtypo_rounded3}Our Regular Programmes for the World Welfare{/xtypo_rounded3}
- Sadhguru darshan & solution for all problems
- ‘Sadhguru Divya Satsang’ (divine communion with sadhguru) on Thursday and Full Moon day of every month, followed by prasadam & supper
- On 2nd Saturday of
{xtypo_rounded4}Rushi Dharma Bodha Workshop{/xtypo_rounded4}
Rush Dharma Bodha Workshop is conducted on the 2nd Saturday (9 am-5 pm) of every month. The main objective of this workshop is to reintroduce ancient wisdom and all kinds of sciences discovered and …
International Aumaujaya United Young Stars Association

(International Aumaujaya United Young Stars Association (I AUYSA) is a non-profit youth organization founded for the cultivation of courage, confidence, individuality, intelligence, and human values in the youth. AUYSA has been formed …
{xtypo_rounded4}Aumaujaya Dheekshalu (Initiations){/xtypo_rounded4} {xtypo_list}
- Arogya Dheekshalu (Initiations for Health) (Body, Mind, and Soul)
- Aishwarya Dheekshalu (Initiations for Wealth & Riches)
- Sankalpa Dheekshalu (Initiations for Fulfilling Dreams & Desires)
- Chaitanya Dheekshalu (Initiations for Consciousness & Grace)
- Jeevitamruta Dheeksha (Initiation for Enlightenment)
{xtypo_rounded3}Aumaujaya Healing {/xtypo_rounded3}
You can be liberated from all kinds of physical, mental, and soul-related miseries through the grace and love of Sadhguru. Aumaujaya Adisahasra Parisamstan imparts training in 11 types of healing therapies and techniques as a …
{xtypo_rounded3}Mahadi Mantra{/xtypo_rounded3}
The Mahadi Mantra is a sixteen-word mantra of beyond universal consciousness. It gives us enlightenment liberating us from Illusion. This is the consciousness-explosion mantra. You are blessed with immense energy, knowledge, consciousness, health, happiness, virtues, fortunes, self-realization, and …