On the way to achieving the goal of knowing about yourself and traveling beyond, you should travel beyond the two i.e spiritual and physical life.

Do not involve completely either in spirituality or physical life. Choose the balanced path, balanced vision, balanced philosophy, and balanced walk. See everything balanced. Give balanced values and respect. Respect the spirituality same as you respect physical life. If you do so then, your journey will be in progress and development. You should be able to see the maid in the same way you see the prime minister. You should be able to see the man as a man. Remove the difference between living and non-living things. You also remove the difference between two human beings. Here you should not measure a person with money, power, glory, education, religion, caste, community, and language. The measurement should not be like this. Every human being has taken birth to reach God only. We all are the sons of God. We all are the sons of nature. We all have the same rights, liberty, and independence. Along with liberty and independence, we also have power and capabilities. The lives of all the people are the same. The entire humankind is of one family. It is one earth. We all should be able to live unitedly. Let us travel with this determination let it be for ten lakhs years or for ten yugas.

We should all put our efforts to attain the ‘Vasudaika Kutumbam.’

If your mind is as spacious as the sky, you do not see anything either big or small. If you see from the flight, you can see the richest and the poorest man the same. The beggar and the king look the same. You cannot see any difference. You can see everything equally if you see the world with the vision of the sky. Every man has come to this planet to know himself and to become one with God. We do not have any goal other than reaching God. All the welfare activities for the betterment of nature, the world, and human beings are the ways to reach God. When you go on your way, do not go ideal, just do some service and go. Improve the quality and go. Go forward by lightening the lives. The world should become better in your walk; the world should be lightened and enhanced by your steps on your way. The world should learn how to walk by your walk. If you travel with such kind of determination, you will become a person who can earn great strength.

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