You should practice meditation. One should be able to meditate for at least ten minutes to an hour a day. What happens when you meditate is that happiness remains. A man who believes in a relationship should remain, money should remain, and happiness should remain in meditation. If there is no joy in you, it means that you are not meditating properly. The mistake in meditation is that there are fictional meditations and there are scientific meditations. Imaginary meditation means that a man gives you meditation by attaching a tail, a tail, a muzzle, and a body to something that he thinks. Because for those who know Dhyanashastra, Dhyanashastra is composed of these five philosophies: Attitude, Madhyama, Pasyanti, Para, and Moolah. Even if they don’t know anything about the attitude, middle, pasyanti, para, origin of that meditation, they say some mantra, put some seal, and give you some meditation. It is called phantasmagorical meditation. It is imaginary, imaginary, delusional meditation. If you do that meditation, you will become mad or mad or diseased, otherwise, you will fall into that intoxication and perish. Because anything without science is useless. Whatever is not the proof of science, the basis of science, the witness of science, the standard of science, gives danger to life. For that, You should always walk with science. Shastra is Sakshya or Shastra is Aadhar or not, Shastra proof or not, Shastra standard or not, Shastra agrees or it is not stated in Shastra or not, it has to be decided first whether it is Shastra or not.

Meditation has seven states within us. It is the four external states of Attitude, Madhyama, Pasyanti, and Para, and the internal states of Origin, Existence, and Existence. What you get in this whole state is the state of Samadhi. That is the state of bliss. Meditation should become samadhi, it should be blissful. For this karmic form of bliss, for this period to become bliss, for this world to become bliss, and for this magical bliss to manifest, it has to climb seven steps. Same attitude, Madhyama, Pasyanti, Para, Existence, Origin, Existence. You should remember that. The four external states are Vishti, Madhyama, Pasyanti, and Para. Origin, Existence, and Existence are the three interrelated states. When these seven avasthas are fulfilled, satchidananda becomes your self, becomes your perfume, becomes your avastha, becomes your nature, becomes my nature, and you become that. Then you say Aham Anandamayam. So you should realize this on Gurupurnima day. I am now teaching you the education of self-control. I say that meditation is the third stage. My journey with God, God is my shadow, I believe in God is meditation, I believe in science, this is meditation, I believe in emptiness, this is meditation, I believe in nature, this is meditation.

Meditation has four legs. You can believe in God with a form, you can believe in formless, formless, emptiness. This formless, this form means to be in the state between material and formless Science can be trusted. One can also believe in nature which is the platform of these three and worship these four as well. Worship is called meditation. Dhyana means Upasana. As fasting is in prayer, as worship is in devotion, so is upasana in meditation, meditation is the path of upasana. Happiness arises in you when you meditate. No doubt about it. Prayer for the body, devotion for the mind, meditation for the heart is very important here. If your heart blossoms, you want to meditate, if your mind is pure, you want to have devotion, if there is no poison in the mind, devotion is produced. Bhakti dies if your mind is slightly poisoned. Bhakti dies in those whose mind is poisoned. Bhakti is generated in those whose mind is pure, those whose bodies are pure are inclined to pray, those whose bodies are impure are unable to pray, those whose hearts are pure are inclined to meditate, and those whose hearts are impure are not inclined to meditate. This is what you should remember.

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