Why we should celebrate Guru Pournami ?

Jaimahavibhoshri 01Guru Pournami is the most auspicious day where the Guru will hold your hand and will take the responsibility to destinate you to the eternal destination. He does not have a chance to escape by putting your responsibility on your shoulders and to make you liable for your sings on this day. On this auspicious day he cannot escape; withdraw or avoid you. He has to come to us on this day; he has to share his love and empathy at any cost; he has to embrace us for a special divine relationship. He has to bless us whatever we want. He has to know our hunger, thirstiness, passions and hardship. He has to put everyone on the row. He has to reach us to the destination. On the Guru Pournami day, significant work will be done to the humanity which locks our hand tightly with the guru to sail us out of the samsara chakra.

The participation in the Guru Pournami is unexplainable. We cannot portray it accurately. Until we have a fortune of some crores of lives we are not eligible, and we cannot come to the proximity of Guru, and become a part of his unconditional grace. But on Guru Pournami, there are no such barriers. This day is the direct door to go into the vicinity of the God. You can create a special relationship with him on this day. On this day, God is available to everyone equally irrespective of regional, genealogical, linguistic, the faith of past lives, eligibilities, rights, religion and cast. The Guru Pournami is a great day when love and mercy of the God showered.

Like how a mother embraces her children, the same way on this Guru Pournami the Guru embrace the entire humankind by will incarnating as soul and mercy form of mother’s love. He will give us ecstasy and purifies us.
