Jai Aumaujayaa: My name is Aruna. I live in Saket, Hyderabad. Jaimahavibhoshri to me: Their first darshan was on December 3, 2011. Before that, I used to worship Shirdisai and one day I sat in front of Saibaba’s photo and asked, “I want a Sadguru”. Two days after that, Jaimahavibhoshri: Gary’s pamphlet came to our house in a newspaper. I had a lot of fun. I went and asked Sai then Sai told me in a dream that “Your Guru is Jaimahavibhoshri:”

But Jaimahavibhoshri: I don’t want to go to their program. I wanted to see the teacher immediately. I took my husband and came to Guru’s Satsang. Jaimahavibhoshri: He seemed to me like a father. The mind is very light. The joy was overwhelming.

After that, I made a personal appointment to visit Jaimahavibhoshri. They gave me darshan as Father, Guru, and God. Since that day my life has changed a lot for the better. Earlier my life was full of suffering. My husband got prejudiced. Children’s education stopped. Children are not listening. All the burden of the family fell on me. All of a sudden I became a thing of no direction. I was overwhelmed with agony. I was shocked and didn’t know what to do.

At such a time I asked Jaimahavibhoshri: Gari with compassion, “I will take care of it.” “You should be calm,” he said. I got the whole hill. I was very encouraged by their words. It is said that every word uttered by Sadguru becomes law for nature and so it happened.

From that day forward everything my father would say. Gradually peace came and I got solutions. Me Jaimahavibhoshri: They are eyeballing me. Here is a small example.

On Thursday it was very late after Satsang. At that time there were no buses to Makalani, I was wondering how to go home, but an RTC bus came and stopped in front of us. There was no one in that bus except the driver and conductor. I was surprised. I boarded the bus. I asked the conductor if there are no buses at this time! Then the conductor said why we have come to put a round in the socket for fun. Then I realized that it would be difficult for a woman to go home that night and my father had sent the bus to Amantanga. My golden father Jaimahavibhoshri: I thanked him thousands of times in my heart. Such experiences have happened to me and my friends. Our father Mahavibho protects us!

Jaimahavibhoshri: I am determined to serve them. I told everyone in our colony. I distributed pompets. But no one is listening. I feel sad. However, I wanted to travel for my father. Sitting in front of “Srimurthy” and saying “Father! Mahavibho! I have to perform satsang in our colony. I prayed that everyone should receive the precious things you say.

After that, Srimaha Parimahatma, the in-charge of Hyderabad Ashram, called me and said, “Mahashri! The teacher said to see a house in Saket. A meditation center has been set up in Saket Colony. “You see the house,” he said. I was very happy. My prayer was heard. I am very happy that you understand my pain. Now the center has started.

A million thanks to Jaimahavibhoshri who has given me so many experiences, so much love, and compassion. My salutations to their lotus feet. Jai Aumaujayaa:!!

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