Swayambhu Chaitanya Shaktipeetam


  • This shaktipeet is called by different names like Aumaujaya Poorna, Aumaujaya Chaitanya Shaktipeet, and Swayambhu Chaitanya Shaktipeet.
  • The Chaitanya shaktipeet is the embodiment of the essence and juice of all religions, dharmas, rishis, Gods & Goddesses, gurus existed in the universe, and infinite consciousness, energy, and knowledge of eternal truth which is beyond the universe.
  • We can attain all kinds of fortunes, virtues, riches (wealth & health), unlimited energy, caliber, healing power, extrasensory perception, insight, and the ultimate peak of the fulfillment of human life by seeing, touching, worshiping, and meditating in front of Swayambhu Chaitanya Shaktipeet.
  • The presence of shaktipeet nullifies radiation and all types of negative energy. It fills the place with positive and divine energy.

Anugrah Shaktipeeth and Its Blessings

This shaktipeet is called by different names like Aumaujaya Poorna, Aumaujaya Chaitanya Shaktipeet, and Swayambhu Chaitanya Shaktipeet.  Whoever worships, prays, and venerates this Shaktipeeth will be blessed by “Adiparabrahma Jaimahavibhoshrih.” When this Shaktipeeth is bestowed upon devotees, it is purified, prayed over, and worshipped in their name. Swayana Jaimahavibhoshrih is then bestowed upon their hands, filling them with grace and taposhakti.

The Divine Significance of Anugrah Shaktipeeth

This Shaktipeet is intricately connected to 365 religions, with symbols representing Prakriti Shakti, Prakriti Chaitanya, all Rishis, Munishwars, Devas, Panchabhutas, and Navagrahas. Having this glorious and magnificent Swayambhu Shaktipeet at home is a great boon for mankind. Swayambhu Adiparabrahma Jaimahavibhoshrih visited this Shaktipeeth during his samadhi and offered it to this earth. The wishes of those who worship, pray, adore, and anoint this Shaktipeeth will be fulfilled.

Wherever this Shaktipeeth is present, there is Sakshat Swayambhuh Jaimahavibhoshrih. The negativity of that place is dispelled, and any bad influences in the house are removed. The vision improves, enemies are kept at bay, and good friends draw closer. The correct architectural placement of the Shaktipeeth in the house bestows power to the Earth of the dwelling. Everyone in the household gains access to health, wellness, and progress in their business and profession. All problems can be resolved at home with the presence of this Shaktipeeth.

Sacred Mode of Worship: Embracing the Divine Blessings of Anugrah Shaktipeeth

  1. Alignment with Cosmic Energy: Place the revered Anugrah Shaktipeet in the South West direction of your home, allowing its sacred presence to align with the cosmic energies.
  2. Incense Offering: Each day, as a symbol of devotion, gently touch agarbatti (incense) to ignite its fragrant essence, filling the surroundings with a divine aura.
  3. The Offering of Devotion: Present three delicate roses before the Shaktipeeth every day, expressing your heartfelt devotion and love to the divine.
  4. Thursday’s Ritual: On the blessed day of Thursday, take a humble coconut and gently pound it, signifying the breaking of obstacles and inviting auspiciousness.
  5. Meditative Connection: Begin your worship by observing the Parachakra, the sacred symbol at the top end of the Shaktipeeth. Gaze upon it with reverence, immersing yourself in its divine energy. Then, with eyes closed, chant the Mahamula mantra 33 to 108 times, allowing the sacred vibrations to resonate within your soul. Alternatively, you may assume the Mudradhyana posture gifted by Jaimahavibhosrih, and before doing so, set a spiritual intention or will to intensify your connection.
  6. Sacred Abhishekam: On Thursdays and full moon days, partake in the Panchamrita abhisheka, an offering of five holy liquids symbolizing purity and abundance. Additionally, present the Navadhyas, an offering of nine types of food items, to express your gratitude and devotion. Conclude this ritual by performing the turmeric kumkumarchan, anointing the Shaktipeeth with turmeric and vermilion to invoke auspiciousness and blessings.

By following this divine mode of worship, you invite the benevolent presence of Adiparabrahma Jaimahavibhoshrih and embrace the grace and taposhakti of Swayabhu Jaimahavibhoshrih. The Anugrah Shaktipeeth becomes a gateway to fulfillment, prosperity, and spiritual growth, while its divine energy blesses your home, your life, and your journey towards well-being and success.

Scientific Evidence: The Remarkable Energies of Chaitanya Shaktipitam

  1. Energy Waves Circulation: Researchers have observed that powerful energy waves emanate from Chaitanyashaktipitha, extending up to 2-4 kilometers in the vicinity. These dynamic waves create a profound impact on the surrounding environment.
  2. Positive Energy Generation: The area around Chaitanyashaktipitha is enveloped in positive energy waves, fostering an atmosphere of harmony, serenity, and well-being. These uplifting waves create an aura of positivity, benefiting all who come in contact with it.
  3. Absence of Negative Energy Waves: Astonishingly, studies have shown an absence of negative energy waves (negative waves) around Chaitanyashaktipitha. This absence contributes to the purity and sanctity of the surroundings.
  4. Radiation Reduction: An astounding discovery reveals that Chaitanyashaktipitha significantly reduces radiation levels within a radius of about 72 kilometers. This reduction indicates the shielding properties of the sacred site against harmful radiation.
  5. Geopathic Stress Alleviation: Chaitanyashaktipitha’s presence is associated with the reduction of geopathic stress, a phenomenon linked to detrimental energy emanations from the earth’s surface. This reduction further enhances the area’s positive energy.
  6. Removal of Vastu Doshas: Studies demonstrate that the sacred vibrations of Chaitanyashaktipitha are potent enough to neutralize Vastu Doshas, rectifying imbalances in architectural and spatial energies.
  7. Enhancement of Human Energy: Being in proximity to Chaitanyashaktipitha has been observed to increase human mental, physical, and soul energy. People experience an upliftment of vitality and inner strength.
  8. Blessings for Business: Remarkably, placing Chaitanyashaktipitha in a shop or business establishment is linked to flourishing business prospects. The positive energy generated attracts abundance and success.
  9. Healing Power Amplification: Sitting in front of Chaitanyashaktipitha while offering prayers augments the healing power within individuals. This divine resonance has been associated with accelerated recovery and well-being.
  10. Strengthening Chakras: Sitting in the presence of Chaitanyashaktipitha leads to the blossoming and empowerment of the chakras within the human body. This harmonization contributes to overall physical and spiritual wellness.
  11. Attainment of Material and Spiritual Abundance: As a culmination of its positive effects, Chaitanyashaktipitha becomes a conduit for material and spiritual wealth. Its energies align individuals with prosperity and enlightenment, enriching their lives holistically.

These scientific evidence point to the awe-inspiring and tangible benefits derived from the energies of Chaitanyashaktipitha. The synergy of positive vibrations, healing potentials, and protective qualities makes this sacred site an extraordinary source of well-being and spiritual fulfillment for humanity.

Scientific Evidence with Aura Checking Mission:aura checking.

  • The Aura Checking Mission revealed that Shaktipeetha’s aura extends up to 70 feet, encompassing the sacred site from all sides.
  • During the Omoujayah Mahamula mantra chanting, which was repeated 33 times and engraved with Aramision in front of the same Shaktipeetha, its energy vibration remarkably increased by more than 100 feet, making it a truly unique phenomenon.
  • Similarly, notable variations in aura energies were observed when a crystal necklace was worn normally and removed before the Shakti Peetha.
  • The checking mission also demonstrated that when the energy levels of a cell phone were assessed in front of the Shakti Peetha, the radiation from the cell phone was completely nullified. It is worth noting that Shaktipeetha’s effect on reducing radiation is not limited to cell phones alone; it can also effectively reduce radiation from other electronic devices in the home.

Effect of Earth’s Radiation on Human Being – Necessity of Omoujayah Swayambhuh Shaktipeetha  

  • lecher antennaFor a long time, we have known that the Earth emits its energy in the form of electromagnetic waves, which are known as “electromagnetic radiations.” Now, a device called the ‘Lecher antenna’ has been invented to sense and measure this energy. In 1890, a German physicist named Ernst Lecher discovered this device, and it consists of two foldable handle rods, an antenna, a scale, and an indicator to measure the range of wavelengths of energy waves. In 1975, another German physicist, Reinhard Scheinder, further refined the Lecher antenna.
  • The energy center formed by geomagnetic lines of varying widths and intensities around the Earth is referred to as the “Earth’s Energy Grid.” The Lecher antenna is capable of measuring this energy grid and is also useful for studying, diagnosing, and analyzing the energy vibration levels of the human body.
  • The Lecher antenna operates on the principle of resonance, utilizing the fact that faster vibrations have shorter wavelengths. By choosing the length of the antenna rod based on half wavelengths or multiples of wavelengths, changes in energy levels, no matter how sudden, can be sensed using the Lecher antenna.
  • Energy (Grids): In the 1970s, Dr. Ernst Hartmann, a German physicist, discovered a grid of energy lines emanating from the Earth’s surface and rotating around the globe. These energy lines form magnetic fields at intervals of 2 meters in the north-south directions and 2.5 meters in the east-west directions. This grid is known as the “Hartmann Grid,” and the energy fields are referred to as “Bio-electromagnetic fields (BEM).” The emissions from the Earth’s surface are called Telluric “Ra.”
  • Research over the past two decades has revealed that there are 20 types of bio-electromagnetic energy emissions, excluding harmful emissions from groundwater flows and faults in the Earth’s crust!
  • Measuring Energy Levels: Various specific methods are used to measure different types of energy fields around us. The devices used for this purpose are the Lecher antenna and biometers. Frenchman Antoine Bovis and his colleague Andre Simon invented the biometer scale. The units that measure energy on this scale are called “bovis.”

On the Bovis scale:

  1. ‘0’ Bovis represents a powerless self, devoid of energy.
  2. The energy level of a normal human body without any illness in the physical system is 6500 bovines. If a person’s energy level is lower than this, it may indicate illness, infection, or a medical problem. If the energy level is completely depleted, it can lead to death.
  3. The range from 6500 bovis to 16,000 bovis represents the energy levels of the various energy chakras in the human body. Each living cell in the human body acts like a radio, receiving energy with its own special frequency. The body receives basic energies from the earth and nature in the form of energy vibrations. In today’s modern technological world, we are not only exposed to negative belluric and cosmic energies but also to emissions from the production, supply, and consumption of electricity, television antennas and tubes, overhead water tanks and underground waterlines, reinforced cement concrete buildings, synthetic materials, and many more. Although we know that negative energy radiations are harmful to us, we have become accustomed to them. These negative energy vibrations significantly impact our sleeping and working environments, as our bodies spend extended periods in these places, leading to disturbances in the vibrational energy of living cells and causing illnesses.
  4. The structure of a house or apartment creates an energy field. This energy field is called the ‘Central energy point’ or ‘Structural energy.’ In each structure, the energy of the Earth and the energy of the universe radiate in ten directions. This energy is called the ‘Cosmo-telluric energy column,’ which comprises the following ten directions: East, West, North, South, North-East, North-West, South-East, South-West, Zenith (the upper direction), and Nadir (the lower direction). The energy of a structure is considered to be the total energy of the Earth at that place, taking into account the energy of the environment and the cosmic forces acting on the location. All these energies affect the energy centers in different parts of our body, but their effects differ for women and men, as well as for the upper and lower parts of the legs.The structure of a house, its proportions, the way it is finished, and the materials used in its construction all contribute to creating this ‘central cosmo-telluric energy field’ and other energy fields. These energy fields affect the octaves of the house, the upper part, the lower part, and the six surfaces of these dashadishas.

Geopathic Stress:aumaujaya shaktipeet

Geopathic Stress refers to harmful forces emanating from the Earth that can disrupt the healthy functioning of living cells in the human body, leading to diseases. These stressors can originate from natural sources or man-made electromagnetic devices such as cell phones, computers, power lines, etc. European scientists have been researching this topic for over a century, revealing the profound implications of geopathic stress as a cause of chronic illness.

The solution to these problems:

You no longer need to worry about Vastu problems or issues related to negative radiation. Our ‘Omoujayah Shaktipeeth’ neutralizes such negative energies and enhances positive vibrations. ‘Omaujayah Shaktipeeth’ possesses the highest bovis energy, and many families in our Omaujayah Dharma are experiencing a healthy, peaceful, joyful, and contented life by harnessing this wonderful power. Seize this excellent opportunity to eliminate all the negativity in your life by having the great Omaujayah Swayambhuh Shaktipeeth in your home. Become a vessel for Sadhguru’s grace and experience its transformative effects.



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