His Holiness Shree Parabrahma Maharaj is born on 3″ December 1980, in Siddipet, Telangana, India. He is the born enlightened, self-realized, and self-illuminated presence. Out of love, devotees call Him Sree Guru (Beloved Master).

Shree Parabrahma Maharaj has started sharing profound spiritual experiences and teachings with the devotees since his childhood. He teaches Jeevanmuktimargam (the Path of Enlightenment), which is the ultimate and highest destiny of human life, in simple and lucid language.

Shree Parabrahma Maharaj says, “I am trying to create a synthesis between

materialism and spiritualism. I want to create a new man and a complete man who

belongs to the religion of ecstasy, and I long to see this whole earth with enlightened

individuals. That is why I am inviting you all to share my supreme love and wisdom;

supreme light and Buddhahood. Just live life here and now as intensely as possible,

celebrating the existence moment to moment to realize the Buddhahood


Shree Parabrahma Maharaj has been giving talks for the past ten years on various subjects: Spiritual Science, Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, Herbal Science, Astrology, The Purpose of Human Life, The Mysteries of Existence, Happy Family Life, The Enlightened Relationships, Interpersonal Skills, etc. He has developed thousands of Mudra-Meditation techniques for the modern man in order to get rid of strain and stress and to experience blissful life. With the noble Sankalpam (intent, will) of transforming this planet Earth into heaven and helping each and every person live a meaningful and real life, Shree Parabrahma Maharaj has introduced Jeevitamrutadheeksha (Initiation for Enlightenment). Through this Initiation, he blesses everyone to live a blissful life. Get fortunate life coupled with success, satisfaction, health, wealth, peace, and bliss by utilizing this wonderful opportunity. Aumaujaya.

||Sarvejanaa Sukhinoobhavanthu (may all beings be happy) ||

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